That's not Sabre... is it?

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Sooooo... before this starts, Sabre's memory of Lucas and Moose and all them, I made it so that they seem like new people to him. Just so you aren't confused. Okay, bye!

Galaxy Steve's POV

Time, Elemental, and I were just sitting while Time told the story of what led to him and Elemental to fight. They hugged and said 'sorry' to each other, not sarcastically, but sympathetically. They pulled away and we heard lightning towards the far side of the lake. 

"Illusion Steve, no!"

We teleport without a sound and see what's going on. We look at the lightning and I strain my yellow eyes to make out who's in it. It was Sabre and another Steve who looked... strange. Sabre was writhing in pain and on his knees, he was no longer in his chicken suit, he was in an outfit that was black with green markings and some darker green pads. He then glitched and he was in a shirt with more green striped markings near his wrists and his hair was flowing with nothing to keep it down. He glitched again and this time he was in some kind of astronaut suit. He glitched yet again and this time he was in the same astronaut suit, but this time he was a much darker color, almost black but not quite. He glitched and it was the same as before. His chicken costume but darker.

He kept switching to these different suits and then he glitched to a different costume that was completely different from all the other ones. He was in a green shirt with some blue pants and red sneakers. His hair blowing every which way and a small pin in it. It was a red cross sticking out of a green emerald. The lightning kept growing stronger and Sabre kept glitching to his different costumes. A person with a black shirt and a red sleeveless jacket, some black pants that don't reach his ankles. His shoes a bright red that can be easily seen with some white spots on them. His hair a dirty blonde, covered by a hat that was black with a red brim. Turned backward. The person came running at full speed like a Yellow Steve and he tackled Sabre out of the lightning. The lightning stopped as soon as it started and the person that helped Sabre took out an iron sword and ran to attack the strange Steve.

"I think you're done, harassing these people," he says. My so-called sons ran over to Sabre and checked on him. 

When he was taken out of the glitchy state, he was in a back in the first suit that he first glitched to when we saw him. He was still glitching out but he wasn't changing. The dude that saved him slashed and tried to hit the strange one.

"You can't touch me. No one can!" He laughed an evil laugh and he disappeared.

The man put his sword away and walked back towards us. He wiped some sweat off his forehead.

{A/N: So that you know, Steve's look like humans and your typical Steve! Okay goodbye!}

I keep an eye on him as we both walk towards Sabre. Time Steve turns around really quick and puts his hand out to stop us.

"Don't come near!"

"Why not?" I ask.

"His mask fell off. His eyes are closed but he never wanted anyone to see his eyes, he told me when we first met," He tells me.

I nod and stay in my position. I look to my left and the dude is no longer next to me, he's sitting on the grass near the lake, holding a flower, the same colours as Sabre's pin in that one costume. What confused me is why the flower was red and green in the first place. I walk over to him and sit on my knees, looking out across the lake.

"Thanks for saving our friend," I say breaking the silence.

"No problem, that's what I've been doing, saving people. And, he looked like he could be saved." He replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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