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HEY GUYS! HOW ARE Y'ALL? Here's the next chapter! Thank you for those lovely comments, they're hilarious and warmed my heart✨


"Sanniee", Wooyoung whined while tugging on the older's sleeve. San gave him a pat on the head and smiled.

" Yes Woo? You've been whining for 5 minutes already", San replied. " What do you want? Ice cream? Milktea? Me?".

Wooyoung let out a laugh and playfully hit San's arm. " Hey, you're flirting!", Wooyoung said, a small hint of blush prominent on his cheeks . San shrugged and smirked.

" Didn't you do that to Y/N before?", San retorted, raising a brow at the younger one. Wooyoung smirked and crossed his arms.

" I'm just making you guys jealous, I don't like Y/N that way", Wooyoung answered.

" Mingi wouldn't like it if you kept on doing that".

" Why would I bother to do that when I'm already flirting with you?", Wooyoung said, giving San a knowing look. " I know you're gay for me, Sannie".

" Yah, stop it. What do you want? I thought you were whining about something", San said as he placed his hands on his pockets. Wooyoung and San are still in the mall, just sitting on the bench at the corner.

" The last one", Wooyoung answered, still smirking. San's eyes widened and he blushed but shook his head as he stood up.

"That was a joke, okay? Let's go home now, I have to practice", San said. Wooyoung frowned but shrugged afterwards. " Are you gonna separate ways with me now or should I take you home first?".

" No, I should take you home first", Wooyoung corrected. San pouted.

" You always take me home, let me do it this time", San offered but Wooyoung gave him a disapproving look. San heaved a sigh and looked down. " Fine, to my house then". Wooyoung smiled and clapped his hands as he followed San.

" I think Seonghwa and Y/N went home by now, I don't see them here at all", Wooyoung said while looking around. " Hey Sannie, I think Y/N and Seonghwa are officially a couple".

" I don't know but I think, yes".

" Do you think they kissed already?".

" I don't think so".

" I think they already did. I heard Seonghwa back at the Milktea shop. He asked Y/N for a kiss", Wooyoung said with a dreamy look. " Oh I ship them so hard!".

" Seriously, you're crazy right now", San said while chuckling. " But hey, do you know that Mingi has feelings for Y/N? I mean he still has feelings for her and I'm not wrong".

Wooyoung's eyes widened and covered his mouth. " Really? Well, I can see it but I didn't think it was serious until you said it", he said.

" Mingi and Y/N were pretty close friends before I joined them. Mingi told me he likes Y/N and I was like no way. You know what I mean? They're best friends and like any cliché movies, they might end up hating each other or maybe eating each other's faces out at the corner. Who knows?".

" Ooh.. ".

" I always felt like I'm third wheeling but Y/N doesn't feel the same way to Mingi. My poor man. I'm glad that Mingi accepted it like a gentleman but he gets jelly easily sometimes".

" Oooooohhhhh".

" And there was this time when Y/N was bullied by this girl named Sana. Well, she's still in our school. Y/N couldn't fight back. It was an awful prank to our pretty Y/N. Imagine getting thrown some banana peeling and nearly breaking your bones from slipping so hard on the floor. We protected Y/N that time, she nearly couldn't make it to the tournament when that happened".

" Ooooooooooohhhhhhhh".

" So this is why we're overprotective of her. Seonghwa came and I think it's an extra protection. I'm happy that Y/N was able to meet that guy", San said, ending his little story to Wooyoung.

" I see, you guys are really amazing. So Y/N is really precious", Wooyoung said in awe. " But I still can't get over the fact that Mingi likes Y/N until now. Isn't he getting broken by seeing Y/N and Seonghwa together?".

" I don't know, I'm not Mingi but I can see that he's still jealous sometimes", San replied with a shrug. 

" Do you think it's stupid if I kiss you on the cheek?", Wooyoung suddenly asked, making San stopped in his tracks and gave Wooyoung a weirded out look. 

" It's not stupid, I just don't see any reason why you should kiss me right now", San answered as he continued walking. 

" Should I give you a reason then?", the younger said, a playful smirk plastered on his face.

San stopped again and faced Wooyoung this time. He took a hold of Wooyoung's arm and brought him to a corner.  They're in the streets now and it was pretty empty. 

" I don't know what's gotten into you, Wooyoung", San answered, placing both of his hands at the wall, cornering Wooyoung. San moved his head closer to the younger's ear and whispered, " Stop teasing me before I do anything else".

Wooyoung blushed and San continued walking again. The brunette followed him behind, fidgeting on his fingers while biting his lips. San took a glance at the boy behind him and smirked. 

" Choi San, stop smirking as if you can do what you're implying a while ago", Wooyoung said with a teasing tone, making San laugh. 

" Of course I wouldn't do anything, Woo. Stop teasing me, it makes me question my sexuality a lot. I need to focus too", San replied. Wooyoung chuckled and went beside San and clinged his arm to him. 

" Okay, if that's what makes you sleep at night", Wooyoung muttered. " But I know you're gay for me, Sannie. Just say it, it's okay".  San flicked Wooyoung's forehead. " Oi! What was that for?". 

" Focus, Woo. The tournament is nearing, you should get those things out of your head for a moment", San reminded. " We have to win this tournament". 

" Okay", Wooyoung replied, prolonging the 'o' sound. " Okay Master". San's eyes widened and pinched Wooyoung's sides. " Ow!". 

" Stop it, it's weird to call me master. I'm not Coach Jungkook!", San exclaimed, making Wooyoung cackle. " And it's just, ugh, nevermind. It's so wrong". 

" Alright I'll stop now before you have any nightmares about it", Wooyoung said, suppressing his laughs. San sighed and smiled at him. 

" Good. Thank you, Woo", the black-haired boy said. 

They were walking for about 10 minutes, just talking about the tournament and other stuff. Finally, they arrived at San's house. " Tell your mom I said hi", Wooyoung said. San nodded as he entered the gate and closed it.

" Thank you, Woo", San said before entering their door. Wooyoung gave San a smile before leaving. Wooyoung sighed and smiled to himself. This is such a great day, so enjoy it. 

He looked at his watch and it's already 1:30 in the afternoon. Wooyoung continued walking but he felt someone following him. He looked around and saw no one so he continued again. This time, a dark figure appeared at the corner of his eye, making Wooyoung stop on his tracks. " Hello?", he called out. " It's not funny". 

The dark figure was standing there, at the alleyway. Wooyoung observed the figure. What the hell is that?. As soon as he noticed something weird, he started running but a strong force held him back, pulling him towards the alleyway. Wooyoung screamed but he couldn't hear himself. He tried getting away but it's really strong. 

His visions were clouded with black mist as he heard a voice say, " Hello Wooyoung. Nice to meet you". 


Okay, this chapter was pretty short but hey, there's a WooSan scene and I'm loving it! ❤️ What do you guys think? Leave comments so I can know your thoughts about this one!

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