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" Yahh! You don't need to do that! It's unnecessary!", you yelled at the one student who kept on kicking the other one at the wrong place. " Kick on his body gear, not on his thighs". You approached the two students and they seemed intimidated by you. " Kick higher, don't waste your energy by doing wrong things. Keep your head on the game, the Internationals are nearing".

You didn't want to be strict but you should. It's your job as a senior. You saw the three look at you. Wooyoung snorted so you rolled your eyes. " Don't scare the kids, Y/N", Mingi said as he glanced at the two students who are kicking properly now.

" Woah, said the one who's scarier when assigned", San inserted.

" We all know you're the scariest here", Mingi retorted back. " You never let your opponent hit you".

" That's technique but I'm an angel", San said as he pouted so Wooyoung gave him a pinch on the cheeks.

" You both are scary, just face it. Wooyoung is another level of scary", you said. You looked at Wooyoung and still wondered why Seonghwa knew this guy. " Wooyoung, how come Seonghwa seems to know you?". 

" Err.. I don't know", Wooyoung answered, unsure. You raised a brow but shrugged it off. Is Wooyoung hiding something? Is he really some creature that Seonghwa claims?

You glanced outside the window and saw Seonghwa, looking at you. This guy never gets tired watching me train, huh? Isn't he bored?

Seonghwa smirked at you and winked. You blushed and looked away to continue with the training. " Okay students, please be guided with the criteria. Always follow what we have learned from Coach Jungkook", you announced. The students nodded their heads. " And the two of you at the back, stop messing around and do what's right".

The training is finally over. Unfortunately, San has to go home early while Mingi has to wait for his father at the airport. Wooyoung went with San so you're alone now. You walked quietly at the hallway while looking around. You saw Seonghwa waiting for you at the gate. " Hello princess", he greeted and gave you a quick peck on the lips making you shocked and turned around and saw if someone is watching. 

" Seriously , you're out of your mind", you said as the two of you started walking. He chuckled. " I already told my friends about you being creepy a while ago and they almost wanted to kill you for being so stupid. Thank me, I stopped them". 

Seonghwa clicked his tongue. " I'm sorry for that but they're nosy", he said. You nudged him. 

" It's their business to know it, duh", you retorted. " Remember, we're helping you. We made you change so they have the right to know about it". 

" That Wooyoung guy, does he know?", Seonghwa asked. Your brows furrowed and bit your lip. What's with Wooyoung? 

" I thought you just saw him from a trash commercial, I don't get it prince. What's with him?", you asked. " And no, we didn't tell him a single thing. He's very loud sometimes". 

" But his boyfriend might spill it", the prince answered. Really, this prince even knows the WooSan thing now. 

" San won't tell him", you assured you. " I promise". 

The two of you finally arrived home. You can hear a few sounds and voices from inside. You suddenly felt excited. It's your brother's friends, Yunho, Jongho and Yeosang's voice. Seonghwa was quite hesitant to go inside as soon as you opened the door. " Hello guys!", you exclaimed excitedly, giving your 'three brothers' a hug. You noticed that Seonghwa is still outside so you didn't bother him. 

" Hello lil honey!", Jongho said. " We brought pizza, want to have some?". He offered you pizza and sat beside your brother, Hongjoong. He ruffled your hair so you scoffed and smiled at him after. 

" Where's Seonghwa?", Hongjoong asked. Yunho, Yeosang and Jongho looked at Hongjoong. 

" Who's that? ", Yunho asked, his brows furrowing. 

" Seonghwa?", Yeosang asked. 

" Y/N's boyfriend?", Jongho inserted. You blushed at his statement. " Oi your sister is blushing, is that true? I thought you didn't want random guys for your sister!". 

" Yah calm down guys, Seonghwa is our...uhm, butler. The butler that I told you before. He's so skilled", Hongjoong answered. You looked at the door frame of the living room and Seonghwa finally appeared with a shy smile. " There he is''. 

" Greetings everyone", Seonghwa bowed. " I am Seonghwa, the house butler". 

" Damn, he's gorgeous for a butler", Yunho said as he munched on his pizza. 

" I know right", Yeosang added while sipping on his tea. " And his name is similar to the Sky Prince bo-". He stopped when he finally looked at Seonghwa. Yeosang's eyes widened. 

" What's wrong Yeosang?", Jongho asked. " Your eyeballs will fall out in a minute". 

Seonghwa frowned while looking at Yeosang. " I...I.. Nothing really, just surprised that uhm, he looks so fictional", Yeosang let out a breathy laugh. 

" Fictional eh? Thank you", Seonghwa said with a smile. " Perhaps, I should cook an additional dish for you early dinner". Seonghwa went to the kitchen. 

" See? He's really nice!", you exclaimed. They all agreed except Yeosang who's still silent and staring at a space. " Yeosang, what's the problem? Are you full?". 

" I think I'm full. Can I excuse myself for a minute? I need to answer this call of nature", he said as he stood up. Yunho laughed at him. 

" You talk so formally even with us Yeosang but it's okay, I love your vocabulary", Hongjoong said. Yeosang went out of the living room. 

" So Y/N, how's your day?", Jongho asked. 

" It's really cool actually, I got to lead the class a while ago", you answered. 

Meanwhile, Seonghwa is in the kitchen, cutting some onions. How come that Yeosang guy is also familiar? Why is everyone so familiar? 

" Ah, there you are", a voice said. Seongwha turned around and saw Yeosang, drinking a glass of water while staring at him. " Perhaps, I didn't commit any mistake when I said that you look really fictional. I didn't also expect that a prince like you will end up as a servant in this realm". 

Seonghwa stopped cutting. " I don't know you", Seonghwa answered. " And I'm not a prince. I may look like one but don't raise your expectations of me to be a royalty". 

Yeosang stared at him as if he's looking for something. " I'm confused. I thought you were a complete obnoxious prince. Seems like you're finally enjoying your stages of changing", Yeosang said. " I don't know me and that's perfectly fine for me". 

Seonghwa observed Yeosang. When did I see him? Where did I see him? 

Seonghwa recalled some memories in the kingdom then it hit him. His eyes grew wider and pointed a finger at Yeosang who's finally smiling and crossing his arms. " You.. You!", he whispered, but quite high for Yeosang to hear it. Seonghwa checked the others in the living room and it seems like they're really busy. " How? What's your name again?". 

" Yeosang. What else do you think my name is?", Yeosang chuckled. Seonghwa shook his head and smirked afterwards. 

" Don't get me wrong, you're not Yeosang. I see, you're really smart enough to come up of an idea about being a man in this realm", Seonghwa replied. " Oh, and I just pretended that I didn't know you". 

" Say my name then", Yeosang said. Seonghwa rolled his eyes then smirked. 

" Ylona". 


I'm sorry guys, this chapter is quite short! But anyways, I truly appreciate those readers who are consistent with this book :*

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