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It was Sunday morning thank god.

As I turned over in my bed I looked at my phone and saw there was multiple messages from seo-jun


Sunday,10:00 am

Good morning:)
did you sleep well?
I hope you slept well

Good morning!
yes I slept well
did you?

I did!

that's good :)


I finished texting him and I went into the kitchen to cook some breakfast.

I cooked bacon and rice as we had left over rice.

Once I ate all of that I went back Into bed as I didn't have motivation to do anything today.

I stayed in bed for a while just on Instagram and stuff until I got a call. Why was seo-jun calling me?

"Hello?" I said "hello can we hang out today" he asked in a sweet tone "I don't feel like doing anything today" I said truthfully "come on please I'm bored" he said "okay fine see you in 30 minutes outside mine" I said and hung up.

I pulled myself out of bed and I picked out an outfit which was this:

once I got dressed I done my makeup and I put my hair up with a claw clip and I went outside to meet seo-jun

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once I got dressed I done my makeup and I put my hair up with a claw clip and I went outside to meet seo-jun.

I saw him stood there and he turned around once he saw me he smiled brightly "hi" I said "hey" he said to me "so what are we going to do today?" I asked "surprise" he said to me and he grabbed my wrist and started walking.

"Yah! What are you doing" I said "I'm taking you somewhere" he said and I just shook my head.

We ended up at a park and there was a picnic set up "wow this is pretty" I said "I set it up for us" he said and I felt heat rush to my cheeks, was I blushing?

We sat on the picnic blanket and he handed me some kimchi and I ate it "it's really good" I said "my mum made all the food" he smiled at me "she's an amazing cook" I said and we both continued to eat.

"let's play music" he said and breathe by Lee Hi started playing and this was one of my favourite songs.

"do you like this song?" he asked "yeah" I said and i looked at him "that's good" he smiled at me he suddenly got up and ran over to the basketball court that was next to us I saw him pick up the ball and start shooting hoops seeing him smile made me happy.

"Come and join me!" He said and I got up and went over to him he handed me the ball and I started to throw it.

I got one in and I jumped around "yay I got it!" I said and did a happy dance.

As I was happy dancing I tripped over my own foot and I was going to hit the ground but someone caught me I looked up to see seo-jun holding me,he caught me.

We both were like that for a while until he helped me up "thanks" I said "it's okay" he said and we continued playing basketball.

The sun started to set and we was sat at on the blanket watching the sun set.

"Here" seojun said and he placed pillows down so we could both lie down.

I laid my head on the pillow and I looked at the stars that started to form I felt at peace It was nice.

The breeze started coming in and I felt cold I tried to warm myself up by rubbing my arms but it didn't work "come here" seo-jun said and opened up his arms for me I moved over and placed my head on his chest and I slowly wrapped one of my arms around his waist and he pulled me closer and wrapped me in his embrace.

We kept looking up at the sky just taking everything in and it was really relaxing.

"hey let's take a photo" he said "really?" I said "yeah come on and I will post it on my Instagram" he said "are you sure" I asked "yeah" he said and we took a photo

"hey let's take a photo" he said "really?" I said "yeah come on and I will post it on my Instagram" he said "are you sure" I asked "yeah" he said and we took a photo

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I smiled when I saw what he posted. It kinda looked like we was a couple.

It was getting late so seo-jun walked me back home.

As we was walking our hands brushed together and then I felt Seo-jun hold my hand I felt my cheeks heat up.

As we was walking we swung our hands back and fourth and we talked a lot and got to know each other more which was really nice.

Once we got to mine I instantly stopped I saw my dad shouting and my mum outside the shop. I felt my heat shatter seeing him again and shouting at my mum made me angry "Ara who is that?" He asked i ignored him and I ran to my parents "What the hell are you doing here" I said to him "look it's my daughter" he said and tried to touch my face but I hit his hand away "no don't" I said "why, you used to love when I stroked your hair" he said "not anymore I hate it, I hate everything you done to me" I said "honey" he said "Leave! Just leave! You ruined our family and I hate you so much for it! Your hurt mum! Your hurt Sung-ho! And you hurt me! You hurt all of us!" I shouted at him as tears left my eyes I felt someone grab my hand "your such a fucking bitch" my dad said to me "god I wish you were never my daughter!" He shouted at me and that's what crushed me more "Leave" I said and he walked away I saw my mum stood there and whoever was behind me turned me around and pulled me into a hug.

I recognised the sent it was seo-jun.

New Girl ~ Han Seo-Jun ✔️Where stories live. Discover now