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I shot up and i started to hyperventilate.

"Babe?! Are you okay" I heard seo-jun said "I was trapped in the darkness again" I said and I started to panic "shhh it's okay your not in the darkness it was a nightmare" he said and pulled me back down.

I hugged him tightly realising it was all a nightmare.

I ended up falling back to sleep.



"wake up" i heard someone's raspy voice my eyes slowly opened and I saw seo-jun hovering over me he kept kissing my face "five more minutes" I said and he kept kissing all over my face "five more minutes" I said and I turned over and snuggled into the blanket.

he turned me over and kept kissing me "I made breakfast" he said and my eyes shot open "you can cook?" I asked him "well I tried" he said "I wanted to make something special for you" he added on and I smiled at him.

I kissed him and we went to the kitchen.

Looks like mum and brother aren't finished.

"What's the day" I said "Sunday" seo-jun said and I nodded "hold on I will be back" I said and I ran out and down to the shop.

"honey?" My mum said "am I going to school tomorrow" I asked my mum "if you want to" she said and I nodded and went back up.

"I'm going to go back to school tomorrow" I said to seo-jun "wait. Are you sure you want to?" He said and walked up to me "I'm sure but what happened to Ji Woo?" I asked "she....she is still here" he said and my heart sank "nothing happened to her" I said feeling angry and sad "she threatened everyone saying if they said anything she would push them next. She made everyone say that you tried to commit suicide now some people think your dead" he said and I got angry "what if she tries to push me off again?" I asked him "I won't let that happen I promise" he said and kissed my forehead.

We both sat down and ate the food he made.

"This is so good!" I said to him and he smiled "I'm glad you like it" he said and we both continued eating.

We spent the day binge watching dramas and being stupid it was amazing..



New Girl ~ Han Seo-Jun ✔️Where stories live. Discover now