Chapter 13: Alpha's Eyes

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TW: canon violence

"Come on, Parrish, is that all you got?" Peter growled as the hellhound threw him in the street. His eyes flashed blue as he attacked the hellhound again.

"Malia, I don't want to hurt you," Theo said through gritted teeth as he shoved the werecoyote off of him.

"You really think you can hurt me?" Malia growled, slashing at Theo's chest.

"Liam, run!" Nolan turned to him as he pulled out his crossbow.

"I'm not running," Liam stated as his eyes flashed red.

"No, you're not," Derek growled, jumping towards the alpha as Liam shoved him to the ground.

"Nolan, you don't want to do this," Chris stared at him as the boy pointed his crossbow at Derek.

"What, save my innocent friend?"

"He's not innocent," Argent said slightly, pulling out a pistol, "I'm not going to kill you, but I will stop you."

"Lydia, scream," Stiles yelled at his girlfriend.

The banshee began to wail as she suddenly felt something tug her hair to the ground. Corey appeared as Lydia went to kick him.

"Stiles stop this," Mason stared at the other human.

"If you knew what was good for you, you would back away," Stiles glared at him, "your best friend killed my best friend."

"You don't know the whole story."

"I don't need to," Stiles went to punch the boy when Mason blocked his shot.

"Okay," Mason nodded, "let's do this." He shoved Stiles out of the way as the boy got back up ready to fight.

It was a mess; everyone was everywhere. Peter was healing burns as fast as Parrish was healing claw marks. Nolan and Argent were at a weird standoff, not letting the other one help anyone else. Theo was doing everything in his power not to let Malia kill him. Mason and Stiles were trying to keep the other one from getting to Liam. Lydia was attempting to take out Corey who would just vanish before she could land any hit on him.

"Liam just come with us; I don't want to hurt you," Derek growled at him.

"I can't," Liam threw a punch as the werewolf shoved him to the ground, "out of anyone don't you think this is exactly what we shouldn't be doing."

"Liam, you killed Scott," Derek pinned him to the ground. The alpha wormed his way out.

"I had no choice!" Liam knocked him to the ground, his IED was activated. He wrapped his hand around the werewolf's throat, "you guys think I'm a killer well maybe I should be."

"Liam!" Theo saw him for a split second before Malia was on top of him again.

Liam turned his head towards Theo, his anchor, his eyes returned to blue for a second, "But, I'm not a killer, Derek." The alpha dropped the older werewolf.

Derek stared at him from the ground unsure of what to do. Theo finally threw Malia off him enough to stand up when he heard the Sheriff's car pull him. Three gunshots were shot-making everyone stop for a minute. They all turned seeing the Sheriff shooting his gun in the air. Melissa right beside him. Theo's mind raced to his dream. It was happening; everything was happening. It was just a dream; dreams don't have to come true.

"Derek, look out!" Liam jumped over the werewolf on top of the air.

Theo saw Liam struggling with what appeared like nothing when he realized what was happening. The hunters were here, and only Liam could see them. Suddenly, Liam growled as he shoved the invisible figure to the ground. The alpha saw a strange remote on the hunter's belt; something told him to hit it. It was almost as if Scott was telling him too, so he did.

Liam deactivated their suits and saved their lives. Theo spun as all the hunters became visible. They were surrounded as the hunters began to fire.

It was chaos.

Malia grabbed the hunter nearest to them and began shoving them to the ground. Theo finished them off as Malia growled in a weird way to say thank you before they went off to join the fight.

Parrish grabbed the hunter nearest him as the hunter struggled to escape from the flames; the deputy threw him into the hunter who had his gun pointed at Peter. Peter shrugged before beginning to attack another hunter.

Mason and Stiles turned and ducked as bullets began coming at them. Sheriff Stilinski kneeled beside them, handing them both a gun. They nodded as they guarded Melissa.

Lydia screamed, taking two hunters out, but more pointed their guns at her. Corey grabbed her hand, making her invisible.

"Thank you," she stared at the chameleon.

"I didn't do that for you to stop screaming!"

Lydia nodded as she released a wail.

Nolan and Argent turned from a standoff to back to back.

"Nolan, remember to shoot to take out of the fight. Your arrows are best planted in the body."

"Yes," Nolan pointed his bow, taking out a hunter.

Liam was fighting a hunter after being shot in the shoulder; Derek growled throwing a punch beside him.

"You fight well, kid," Derek nodded.

Liam stared at him, "I'm not fighting for you; I'm fighting to keep people alive. It's what Scott wanted." He ran off to fight another hunter.

Derek was taken off guard by a hunter after being shot in the leg. He was wrestling the man on the ground unaware of where Liam went.

They heard sirens in the distance as the Sheriff called for backup. The hunters who could stand began to run as the police cars pulled in.

Parrish extinguished himself as Peter stood there nodding at the hellhound. Argent grabbed Nolan as his side reopened during the fight to get it to stop bleeding. Melissa saw them and ran over to help. Derek pulled Malia off the ground as they looked at each other unsure of what to do now. Lydia hugged Corey for a second before the chameleon slid away to get to Mason.

"Liam!" Theo called out finally free.

"Liam, you have to wake up," Mason already found him, trying to shake him awake.

"What happened?" Theo rushed to his side. He stared at his boyfriend; eyes closed. He was alive, but barely.

"He saved me," Stiles finally spoke up, "he stepped in front of a hunter aiming at me; he shot at him. I would be dead right now if he didn't step in the way."

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