Chapter 3 - Decision

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It had been two weeks since Jolene's visit. Two weeks since that dammed paper has been sitting on her desk. She hadn't even the slightest strength to look at it.

The past two weeks Beth spent her days drinking and gambling. She thought her problems would just leave her alone after those bottles touched her lips

The bottle glasses on her table had now multiplied since a fortnight, the alcoholic stench become the atmosphere.

Beth stumbled over to her table pushing the bottles aside in search of a new one. There was pounding in her head, rocking her to swing from sider to side of the room

The pounding suddenly got louder and louder. But the pounding wasn't within her head it was coming from her front door.

"Beth! Beth", the voice which accompanyned the pounding

Beth stumbled her way to the door.

As she reached the entrance her eyes glanced down to a pile of papers which had gathered at the front.She shuffled them out the way with her feet.

As she unlocked the lock of the door, her eyes were first greeted to some heavy looking black shoes.

As oddly as it sounded she felt memories flood to her pounding head of those shoes.

Her eyes trailed the shoes up the leg until it reached a chest.

The cowboy coat the silver chain, there was only one person with this style.

It was

"Benny", Beth exhaled completely wasted.

'Beth what the hell!", He said as he caught from falling, trying to keep her upright by her arms.

"Funny seeing you here", she giggled with her eyes half open.

Benny pushed her through the door and in the house, towards the couch.

"You're completely wasted, I thought you went sober!", he said after successfully placing her right sided up on the couch.

"Don't be silly", she kept giggling as she reached for his hat.

His eyes widened as he tried to dodge her reaching hand, unfortunately for him he was not fast enough for her to reach for it.

Now his dirty wavy blonde hair had been exposed, he brushed his fingers through the tips of hair pushing them back in place.

The phone began to ring, instantly Beth scrunched her nose and eyes, at the loud ringing sound.

Benny looking at her discomfort immediately moved towards the phone to answer it.

"Hello?", he answered.

"Hello, this is the Bank of Winchester,Kentucky is this Elizabeth Harmon?"

Benny looked back at Beth who was currently facing her hangover

"She's currently..busy, is there something I can help with you?"

"Please pass this on to Miss Harmon"

Benny clutched the phone harder and focused more on the call than Beth now.

"After missing our several notices, we must unfortunately sell Miss Harmon's last asset due to previous gambling expenditures"

Benny looked towards the door, notices the cluster of envelopes laying on the floor.

"Sorry, what asset may that be?"

"Miss Harmon's Residence."

Benny's eyes widened in realisation of the bank administrator's words.

"Her house", he repeated in shock.

"This is her two week notice of Eviction", the last words sounded before being followed by the abrupt beep of the phone bing hang up.

Benny's eyes glanced towards Beth as the placed the phone back.

He the wandered over to the cultured mountain of papers, searching for the notices. His steps had haste.

"Benny who was that?", Beth croaked finally regaining some soberity

"Beth, did you receive any notices from the bank?"

"They should be there",she said pointing to the pile he was currently bent over.

Benny shuffled through them, finally finding the three letters addressed from the bank. He rushed to the lounge table opening them on his way.

"Hey can you answer me?", Beth said with a hint of aggression in her voice.

She peered over his shoulder whilst trying to read the letter simelataneously

Then the those bold letters appeared, spelling it.

"Eviction", Beth exclaimed.

She grabbed the letter from his hands, to read it with a clearer view.


Beth held up her hand signalling him not to talk.

"Shit", she said placing her hands on her her head.

She felt the lump back in her throat come back.

Pacing up and down the room her hand placement moved from her head to her throat. She couldn't loose this house, it was her mom's. All these thoughts began forming tears in her eyes

Her eyes kept wondering around the house, trying desperately not to attract Benny's eyes.

"Beth", Benny spoke intervening her pacing. He placed his hands on hers removing them from around her neck.

"I don't know what happened since you came back from Russia-" he started

"Benny I can't loose this house", She exhaled interrupting him.

Benny looked down at Beth who currently had tears in her eyes.

He pulled her closer to him wrapping her in an embrace. He sighed softly

"Ok, I'll help you"

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