25. Fun Morning, am I Right?

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(WARNING: sort of sexual? But nothing happens it's just insinuated)

It had been two weeks since the whole misunderstanding with their friends, and Kirishima could confidently say everyone was back on good terms.

The omega had gotten up early that day unable to fall back asleep from overheating. It was just too uncomfortable for him, though he did miss his boyfriend's arms that had been tossed around his waist loosely.

He walked sluggishly to Bakugo's connecting washroom and splashed some cold water in his face trying to wake himself up and cool himself down. Shit was he having a fever or something?

Kirishima was feeling weird, a strange pressure in his lower stomach as his body continued to heat up. "Sh-shit," he muttered when he realized what it was. "Shit, shit, shit," frantically Kirishima looked through the cupboards trying to find the small white pill bottle the nurse had given him when he was first announced an omega.

"Fucking shit," Kirishima cursed when he couldn't find the pill bottle.

"Eij? You ok in there?" Bakugo's voice came through the door. He had woken up to an empty bed which was alarming enough but then to hear his boyfriend swearing and seemingly panicked as he rummaged in the bathroom made it worse.

"Y-yeah," he said still panicking, his body refusing to cool down. His legs were starting to feel weak and he had to hold onto the counter to steady himself. "I-I'm f-fine."

"Eijiro I can tell your not fine, what's going on?" Bakugo asked with a small edge to his voice that made Kirishima whimper instinctively. His omega side was taking over faster than he would have preferred and didn't like the sternness in Bakugo's voice.

Kirishima remembered where he had left his pills. "K-kat, go to my school bag. I-I have a pill bottle in the front pocket," Kirishima said leaning against the door. "I-I need it."

Bakugo stared at the door confused for a moment before doing what Kirishima told him to. Bakugo didn't think Kirishima had any meds he had to take, but if this would calm him down then ok.

Kirishima slid down the door with a small whimper as he felt himself starting to grow hard, and not in the quirk way, his clothes rubbing uncomfortably against his body.

"I got the bottle," Bakugo said back at the door. Kirishima opened the door just enough to get his arm through and grabbed the bottle immediately closing and locking the door again. "Wait," Bakugo muttered as Kirishima's scent came through the door. "You're-"

"J-just shut up," Kirishima said, swallowing a pill. He didn't need Bakugo's input on this right now, he just wanted it to go away. He sat down with his back to the door. "I know what it is I don't need you saying it."

"Is there anything I can do?" Bakugo asked. The softness in his voice was almost surprising to Kirishima, it was rare for him to be like this.

Kirishima could feel the pills kicking in and was grateful at how fast they worked. They were designed to work fast so if he were in public he wouldn't end up hurt or something by other alphas. "I don't know, b-but I can't go to school today," Kirishima said. The omega thought on what Bakugo had asked and had a small moment of panic when he thought the other was offering to have sex to help his heat. "I-I know I'm gonna get all... horny and whatnot, but I don't want to do IT. We're 16, I don't want to risk stuff you know? Or- or have my first time during heat." His cheeks burned, embarrassed.

Bakugo was silent for a moment, glad he was clearing this up before he lost the ability to think rationally. "Have the pills kicked in yet?" He asked. He understood where Kirishima was coming from, and he agreed.

Kirishima stood up off the door. "Yeah, I think so, I don't feel as hot," he said. Kirishima opened the door and gave a weak smile to the alpha. "Fun morning, am I right?" He asked shyly.

"Go lay down in the spare bedroom, I'll call the school to tell them you can't come in today," Bakugo said heading to his door.

"I don't need to lay down, I'm fine right now," Kirishima said coming up behind Bakugo. That was only a slight lie, his legs still felt like jello but he could handle that.

"I don't care if you feel fine, you're in heat, go lay down," Bakugo said in a stern voice. He knew Kirishima was someone who pushed off his symptoms, he had learned that the day the omega collapsed in school.

Kirishima just sighed in annoyance. "Fine," he said.

"Good," Bakugo muttered as Kirishima went to the spare bedroom. They had used some scent blocking strips that Bakugo had found to line the doors and windows, that way his scent would be contained in the room.

Kirishima slumped back in bed and pulled the covers over himself.

Unconsciously Kirishima began to make a nest, using the blankets, some of Bakugo's sweaters and shirts and the stuffy that the alpha had bought him after their first date.

Bakugo came into the room and froze for a moment when he saw the nest. He held back an annoyed sigh, Bakugo didn't like having his stuff moved on him, but he knew it would make Kirishima feel better so he let it go.

"I have to go to school, I'll be back in a few hours," Bakugo told Kirishima, kissing him quickly before heading to his door.

"Bye Katsuki," Kirishima said.

"Bye Shitty hair," Bakugo muttered before leaving the room.

The last thing he wanted to do was leave the omega in heat, but they weren't mates yet so he still had to go to school.


It was around lunch when Kirishima felt his heat picking back up. He whined, pulling one of Bakugo's sweaters closer and taking in a deep breath of his scent. It didn't take long for his brain to go fuzzy and his legs to shake when he tried to move them or stand.

He missed Bakugo, he wanted him to be there. Deep down he knew that wasn't possible for another few hours and even deeper down he knew it was a slim chance Bakugo would come in the room while he was in heat, but Kirishima still wanted him there.

"K-Kat~" he whimpered out holding the sweater close and taking in as much of the caramel smell he could.

He was starting to get hard again, and the pain in his stomach only grew.

"I want Katsuki," the omega whimpered out as one of his hands travelled down to pants unconsciously.

-A few hours earlier-

"Hey Bakugo, where's Kiri?" Mina asked jumping along beside him as he walked to school.

"He's at home," Bakugo said. "Heat."

Mina froze for a second before continuing to walk beside the blond alpha. "Is he ok? Will he be ok alone? You said your parents are out of town, so is that ok?"

"Fucking stop asking questions raccoon eyes!" Bakugo yelled.

Mina could tell that Bakugo wanted to be at home with Kirishima. She could also tell that he was going to be much more irritable today so she decided to keep her mouth shut.

"I lined the room with some of those scent blocking strips, and he has a bunch of my stuff, he'll be fine." Bakugo tried his best to convince himself of that just as much as Mina. "He'll be fine," he repeated quietly. Mina could tell he was worried, but she knew if she pointed it out he would just yell at her and try and blow her up.

What Bakugo didn't know was the pain Kirishima was going through. The first heat is typically the worst, and all Kirishima could think of was Bakugo.

(Posted June 11, 2021)

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