The Park

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Sorry if its bad this is my first time writing a fanfic

???'s POV

"God why'd I wake up so early, my work's at 7:30 and its.." Haru stated, his vision was quite blurry so he couldn't properly see what time it was, thinking that he wasn't late for work. "7:50!!??" Haru's eyes widened in shock "FUCK IM LATE FOR WORK" He quickly jump off his bed and put on his jacket, brushed his teeth and combed his taupe colored hair. "Stupid alarm clock didn't even wake me up" he muttered, "Well it was kinda my fault for falling into a deep sleep, the mission yesterday was tiring and with kambe around it felt like hell" he thought.

He opened his car door and drove to his workplace. "Detective Kato, you're late for work" Haru froze and got chills for the voice he heard was quite deep, turning around he hoped that it wasn't kambe, but the person who stood there was the one and only..Daisuke Kambe. "

What do you want rich bastard" Haru said with an annoyed face, despite already being late for work a person who he wanted to least see today was standing right in front of him. "Nothing" Daisuke answered, "Well then get out of my sight" Haru said, upon hearing those words Daisuke walked away with a slight ache in his heart. He felt things whenever he was with Haru but couldn't understand what those feelings meant, could he be? In love with Haru Kato? 'Impossible' he thought, that guy is a stubborn fool, though he's the only person who's never wanted my money, people who become friends with me would only want me for my looks and for me to buy things they want.

Work was finished and both men walked out of their office, Daisuke decided to go to the park and relax.

Haru's POV

I had went home for I had a bad day, I changed to my sweatshirt and sweatpants, "I was late for work and the first thing I see is that bastard, how sickening" he said. Haru now bored decided to go a cafe near the park..

He arrived at the cafe and ordered a cappuccino and a sandwich. "That'll be $5" said the cashier lady, He pulled out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to her. After receiving his order he went out of the cafe and headed to the park not knowing his enemy was there, as Haru was finding a bench to sit in he saw Daisuke Kambe, "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE OH MY GOD" Haru thought, as Haru tried to walk away wishing to his life that Kambe wouldn't notice him, Kambe did.  (A/N: Bad luck haru, Bad luck 💔🥲) As he and Kambe made eye contact he stopped moving and saw Daisuke stand up from the bench.

"Haru? What are you doing here" Daisuke said in a monotone voice, "Uh I went to the cafe? Isnt it obvious Bastard." Daisuke frowned at Haru's words. "Huh, is he sad?" Haru thought "Well, what I said was kinda mean to a person who just asked what I was doing"

"Well now that we're both here, would you like to go for a walk..together?" Daisuke said, Haru was shocked of Daisuke's statement, his cheeks  lit up a slight red for he felt feelings for Daisuke, despite Kambe slapping money onto people, he was still nice when you get to know him better, when he smiles it feels like all my problems disappear and an angel is in front of me. Haru's cheeks got reddened more from his thoughts. Upon Daisuke seeing the state of his work partner, a small victorious smirk appeared in his face, "Didn't know Detective Kato looked really cute when he's flustered" he whispered in Haru's ear, Haru stepped away from Daisuke because of what just happened, "So do you wanna go for a walk or not?" "Sure.." Haru muttered with still a bright red in his cheeks.

Haru's POV
"Do I actually like him!? I got so flustered earlier that all I could do was stand there blushing like a maniac..God that was so embarrassing..but him asking me for a walk was unexpected but really nice..maybe he actually likes me too? Nah Im waaay inferior from this man, surely he likes women who are rich and pretty, he's not gay is he?" Haru thought with a concerned yet calm face.

Daisuke noticed Haru, "Haru are you alright?" Daisuke said "O-oh im fine just..forget it" Haru blushed again for he almost admitted that he liked Daisuke. Daisuke smirked at Haru for he knew why his work partner was blushing.

They kept walking in silence until they found a place with no people, Daisuke invited Haru to sit there with him and watch the sun.

They both sat there admiring the sun setting, the peace and comfort of one another. Daisuke broke the silence, "Haru Katou.." "Huh?" Haru muttered "I- I like you.." Haru was shocked from the words he just heard, but inside he felt like he was gonna explode from happiness. Daisuke spoke again "I like you because you're smile is so precious, the fact that you don't want my money but still continue to work with me and when you get flustered because of me, makes me happy the most and I wish that I can always see you smile like that and make you mine.." When Haru heard those words tears started to flow from his eyes, he finally felt accepted and loved by someone, "I like you too" Haru said wiping his tears and going in to hug Daisuke, he felt warm and cozy because of the hug and wished that it would stay like this forever..Daisuke was shocked for a moment but hugged Haru back..

Daisuke cupped Haru's cheeks and without a minute passing by Haru felt lips on his, for Haru this was the best moment and day of his life, He kissed back slowly closing his eyes, while being caressed by Daisuke, after what felt like a minute they both separated from the kiss and stared at each other's eyes

Haru just smiled while looking at Daisuke and went to snuggle with him while admiring the beautiful view knowing that the love of his life is with him and forever will..

The end

uh sorry if its bad again english isnt mybfirst language : (

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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