The Guilty Thief

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Yesterday had been eventful, to say the least... During the bus ride, Victoria had barely said a word whereas I wanted to talk about what happened at Aunt Jo's house. I talked for a while but when I saw that she was not interested, I stopped...

When we entered the school, we heard Lucy (AKA Gossip Girl, Meanie) saying something about Mr. Jones being arrested for stealing a painting...

I was confused at first and then I remembered! Back in 3rd grade (We are in 5th grade now) there had been a huge scandal... A miniature painting in the museum and Mr. Jones was a big fan of art, like Vicky.

He couldn't resist himself and stole the miniature painting... The police had been called and the case had been investigated. After a few days Mr. Jones' conscience began to trouble him and he admitted to stealing the painting. He said he knew it was wrong to steal but he hadn't been able to stop himself. However, when a museum employee was accused, he couldn't let the person take the blame and he admitted to it.

Why didn't return it immediately, he was asked... To that Mr. Jones had replied "I was too cowardly to do that... But I couldn't let someone else take the blame, that's why I came forward"

I understood that... I had once stolen my friend Lizzie's pencil in 1st grade because I liked it and wanted it... But when I found out that she had been really upset about her pencil and thought her little brother took it, I felt guilty and returned it to her with my apologies. She was angry at me for a few days but she recovered. I felt extremely bad about that and I vowed never to steal again.

Suddenly Vic turned towards me and said, "I had totally forgotten about Mr. Jones!" I found it a little weird that Vic had forgotten about that but she had a lot on her mind at the moment.

Then she added, "Do you think he could be the thief?"

"Of course not... He was never a thief, he just got tempted a bit too much."

"Sophie, that's how thieves are made!", Vic told me exasperatedly...

"Really?'' I said, amused.'' 'That's interesting, but I still doubt that Mr. Jones is the thief. At least not this time."

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