Aunt Jo Clears Things Up

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"Ugh!! I'm soooooo hungry! I think I'll stop for a smoothie on the way to Aunt Jo's...  I don't think Vicky would mind, would she? Nah! I don't think she would", I said to myself. Obviously, I said that to myself in my head, otherwise people would think I'm crazy!! And I think I've got enough to deal with at the moment without people whispering about me behind my back!

Ooh! There's 'Sandra's Smoothie' right there! I think I'll have a chocolate smoothie today! Or should I try something new? I think I'll try a Pineapple Berry Smoothie, it's Vicky's fav... But I haven't tried it yet! I think I'll try it out today!

"Hi, Soph! How are you? It's been so long...", said Emma... 

Emma is one of our good friends, but she is a year older than us, so we don't see each other very often. And that's kinda sad because we get along very well :)

"Hi, Emma! I know right! You're hardly ever free anymore. So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, I work here now. And, before I forget, what would you like today?"

"I think I'll have a Pineapple Berry Smoothie, I wanted to try something new today."

"Coming right up, Madam", Emma said laughingly.

While I was waiting for my smoothie, I noticed Aunt Jo walk in. Apparently, she saw me too, because she came and sat right in front of me. She looked kind of worried, maybe she was worried that someone had found out that she had stolen the painting from the museum.

"Hey, Soph! Here's your Pineapple Berry Smoothie... I hope you enjoy it, I put in extra ice cause I know you like it... I can take it out if you want", Emma said anxiously.

"Thanks, Emma, I love that you remembered what I like!", I said happily.

"And what would you be getting, mam?"

"First of all, call me Aunt Jo, and I would like a strawberry shake, no ice", Aunt Jo replied.

When Emma left to get her drink, Aunt Jo whispered to me, "Have you seen my painting?"

"You mean the one that you stole?"

"What? No!! I am trying to create a replica of Pablo Picasso's famous paintings, the 'Guernica' Why would you even think that?"

OMG! What!!!!? I thought that Aunt Jo was the thief, I should really stop jumping to conclusions.

"I am sorry, Aunt Jo... When Snowflake knocked over the painting, me and Vicky thought that you had stolen it... I am really sorry", I said ashamed.

"It's fine, anyone could have made that mistake. But, where is my painting now?", Aunt Jo replied.

I told her where we hid it... Aunt Jo laughed, "Sophie!"

Just then, I got a call from Victoria...

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