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"-And with this, I shall rule the world!" Ultimate says with conviction. Everyone at the sparkling new dining table continues on eating breakfast. The tea kettle starts to whistle.

"Joey, will you fix me a cup of tea? I'd like Chamomile today."

Ultimate puffs his cheeks and begrudgingly stands up to get Mama Ultimate her cuppa. "Did you hear anything I said Mama?"

Mama peers over her glasses. "Honey, you've been talking about your plan for the last 30 minutes. At my age, that might be half my remaining lifespan. No I did not listen, I was enjoying my toast."

"I like toast too, Grammy," Timmy giggles. Mama Ultimate pinches his cheeks lightly.

Ultimate sighs. "Mama, I really want it to work this time, will you please listen?"

Mama slumps into the palm of her hand, elbow digging into the dining room table. "You got 5 words to say your plan."

"I can't! That's too complicated-"

"M'kay, that was 5 words, hope it works out for you honey. Oh yeah! Be sure to thank the Millers for this new table."

Ultimate folded his arms on the table and sobbed into them. "They gave it to me because I was trying to cut down that old sycamore they loved but it turns out it was a termite nest that was going to infect their home."

"I'm sure they appreciated the help!"


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