The story of past

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Gulf woke up, he looked at the ceiling this vision was blurry. He tried to move his hand, but someone is holding his hand. He moved to look at the person.

sunny stood up seeing gulf wake up "gulf.... gulf... are you okay? Doctor ..." she yelled to call doctor.

Gulf got confused seeing sunny by his side.

10 hours' ago....

Sunny got a call from mew. Hearing gulf was with him. sunny got shocked because, gulf texted her, that he is leaving with Mr. jo for a trip to city for the business deal and he will be gone for 4-5 days. And now mew is calling her all crying and panicked.

Mew just told her to be ready. Someone will come to pick her up from her parent's house and gulf his not well. Hearing all this sunny didn't know how to react and what to say because, she doesn't know if she should trust mew or not but hearing mew's voice, she felt like he is not lying and if something really happened to gulf.

She panicked thinking about 'what if gulf is really in trouble?' and decided to go. an hour later someone came to pick her up. They took her to the helipad, where a chopper was on standby. As she sat in chopper, she started to feel uneasy. An hour later the chopper landed on an island.

A person walks up to her and said "hello, please follow me. sir mew is waiting for you."

sunny didn't say a thing just nodded and followed him to a car. 30 minutes later they reached to a mansion which is located surrounded by forest and beach on the front.

As sunny stepped out of car, she saw mew as waiting at entrance. Mew's eyes were red and swell. she panicked seeing mew like this.

"what's going on mew? where is gulf?"

"just come in..." mew said in low voice.

Mew took sunny in the mansion and to where gulf is. Seeing gulf lying unconscious on bed with head wrapped in bandage. Sunny eyes went wide, she rushed towards him "gulf...." he caresses his face lightly.

As she come to a conclusion, turned back to step towards mew in anger and grabbed his collar "what did you do to him? why he is like this...."

"I...I...." mew don't know what to say.

"what the hell did you do? All the time he was in hell without you and you on the other hand, you put him in this condition. How could you do something like this to someone you love? He gave up on everything, because he can't be with you and yet you...." hearing sunny's words. Mew was really confused. Being his wife wasn't she suppose to say the opposite but what is she saying.

"what do you mean?" mew asked.

Sunny literally wanted to punch mew. but she let him go but pushing him.

Mew stepped towards sunny and drop down on his knees "sunny please I beg you. please tell me... before he fainted, he said some things that I don't understand and now your words are confusing me more... please tell me what happened four years ago... please...." Seeing mew crying and begging like this sunny's heart ached. She feels really bad for both of them but first she needs to know if gulf is okay.

"first tell me... is gulf okay? How bad is it...?" sunny asked.

Mew stood up swiftly "he is just unconscious. He will wake up soon."

Hearing that sunny signed in relief, walked to gulf's side and creases his face with her hand lightly 'sorry gulf I can't keep my promise. I have to tell him. I hope you can forgive me. but it is for your own good... if he knows.' Sunny thought to herself looking at unconscious gulf.

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