Protect him

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"Gulf are you feeling any better now?" mild asked gulf who was resting at mild's home.

"Yeah. better." Gulf said sitting up on bed.

"Thank god, my parents went out of town and no question asked, when I bring you here in that condition. Yesterday, when you called me to pick you up, your voice really scared me. I had no idea that mew could go this far." Mild said looking at gulf with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I had no idea myself. You were right about him." gulf said in low tone.

mild move forward and patted gulf's shoulder softly "gulf, i can't imagine what you have been through last night. but i hope, you can be strong and move forward."

gulf hung his head down not saying anything.

Mild sighed "leave it. Just rest and I'll tell the teachers, that you are sick so can't attend classes. So, don't worry. And here is some rice porridge have it and then eat your medicine." Mild handed him the rice porridge and pointed at the medicines that he placed on the table next to bed.

Gulf nodded "thanks mild. You have been a big help."

Mild give gulf a big smile "so you are going to treat me a big meal after you recover?"

Gulf forced a smile "yeah sure. Why not."

Mild patted gulf's shoulder lightly again "okay, you rest now, I will see you in evening." Gulf nodded and mild turned to leave but he paused and turned back to face gulf again "oh yeah. Have you told your parents about you staying out?"

"Yeah, I texted my mom. Telling her, I am staying at your place. she is busy with work so i guess no questions asked. so, everything is fine." Gulf said.

"Good than. so have good rest and recover fast." Saying that mild left.

After mild left gulf eat some of the porridge and took the medicine. He know he have to recover soon or else his mom will be worried if he stay one more day out.

Gulf sighed and leaned back closed his eyes. Suddenly memories flashed from last night. He opened his eyes abruptly 'fuck!!! That bastard. I really hate him.' gulf punched the bed in anger. He sighed again 'I transferred here to get away from her memories, but now! this situation! Why the hell I am in this shit?'


Mild and champ were sitting on bench in football field, after practice is over, everyone else took off . Mild told champ about, what happened to gulf last night.

Listening to mild, champ's jaw gap in surprise. "Seriously dude? Is that bastard is for real. How can he do this to gulf? I knew he is an asshole but I never have thought that he is a pervert too." Champ said while frowning.

Mild sighed "you should have seen gulf. He was trembling, when I got there to pick him up yesterday. I have always seen him being a strong, friendly and funny. but that time, he was like little kitten afraid of being even touch. I feel really bad for him.i tried him to talk and tell me what happened but all he said was mew forced himself on him. after that he kept silent" mild clenched his jaw.

Champ was anger too but he calmed himself and patted mild's shoulder lightly "don't worry. We are here for him And we won't let this happen again."

"Yeah, we definitely protect gulf no matter what. He is a good and kind person he don't deserve this." mild said grinding teeth.

Champ agreed and then they stood up to leave. Just then champ saw someone standing before them "you??" champ felt really angry looking at mew. He just moved forward swiftly and punched mew in stomach. mew fell on floor in pain but he tried stood back up.

 "You bastard. How dare you?" champ was about to punch mew again but this time mild stopped him holding his hands.

"Stop!! Champ don't!!!" mild said.

"No mild let me go. I wont spare him." champ yelled.

Mew was still leaning down hissing in pain. He stood back up, trying to subside the pain "you can punch me if you want. But I want to meet him." mew said.

Listening to mew, champ lost control, freeing himself from mild's grab. he move forward and grab mew from his shirt collar "like fuck you can. You bastard how can you do something like that to gulf? What did he ever done to you? and yet you.... you really are disgusting." Champ push mew "stay away from gulf or you will regret this time.. Let's go mild." Champ said and leave with mild. Mild give a death glare before leaving.

'Feisty friends!!! I guess, it is not going to be easy to see him. Huh? But I am not the type to give up easily. Gulf, even if I was wrong, I can't let you go.' Mew thought to himself.


to be continued.

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