I am sorry

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Mew was waiting outside as gulf and his dad were speaking in the room. an hour and half are passed he is getting worried. Mew was worried for gulf because when gulf's dad told him what happened in the past, mew knew that it is going to be hard for gulf to accept the truth. The truth might pain him.

What his mother did to his dad in past was really disgusting and narrowminded. And as gulf being a son who loved and obeyed her mother till the end is really going to hurt him.

Suddenly mew heard gulf crying. He rushed to the room and entered the room he saw gulf was crying while hugging his dad. Hearing the door open his dad turned to look and saw mew standing at the door. Gulf's dad gestured him to go out for a bit silently.

When mew exited the room, his dad patted gulf's back lightly to calm him down. When his dad felt gulf is calm now, he started to speak again.

"gulf... I just want to tell something..." hearing that gulf sit up straight to listen to want his dad want to say.

"I might not know mew well but from the mail he sent me to a little conversation we had, while traveling here... I can tell... he loves you so much that he can do anything for you." Gulf looked at his dad in confusion.

His dad smiled "don't look at me like that... like you don't know what I am talking about... since the time I talked to him all his sentences start and end with one name 'gulf'. He told me about how you left him and I can see the desperation in his eyes to keep you by his side.he literally begged me to come an meet you sooner and arranged everything for me to come here.... I can't deny the fact that he loves you. So, don't resist your happiness because of the person who is not here anymore."

"I know dad ...I know how much he loves me...but dad mom's death is haunting me every night.... Every night I have the same nightmare where mom tells me that I am wrong to love him.... i ..."

His dad interrupted him "gulf you need to understand you can't live on other peoples prospective and expectation. It will hurt you and even hurt people close to you. What is haunting you is not you mother ... it is your own mind who is feeling guilty for not obeying your mother even when you have done everything that she told you to...and even when she herself made mistakes taht she never regretted so let it go now gulf. She is gone... you are here. and the people you love and people who loves you are also here.... care about them...not her..."

Hearing his dad's words gulf finally understood his own feelings that no one understood before... he realised that his mother did wrong but still she lived on and never regretted but even when he himself never done anything wrong is living in guilt..."thanks dad... thank you so much..."

His dad smiled and wiping gulf's tears he said "be happy my son"


mew was waiting outside the door anxiously. finally, the door opened and gulf's dad came out., closing door behind him. He looked at mew "I think you should go in now."

Mew swiftly put his hand on the door handle to open the door but gulf's dad hold his hand and stopped him "but know this if you hurt my son... I will deal with you myself and haunt you down." His dad said furiously, giving mew goosebumps but he recovered fast.

"don't worry sir I am not planning on being hunt down by you." Mew said bowing down to gulf's dad.

His dad chuckled seeing mew's scared action "okay okay now go in. he needs you." Saying that gulf's dad turn to leave "I think I need little rest now I hope you prepared good room for you father-in-law."

Hearing word father-in -law mew smiled widely and said "yes yes sir my assistant will show you, your room."

Gulf's dad waved without turning back. Mew kept on smiling, feeling he just got blessing of gulf's father as a son-in -law. Happily, he turned around and opened the door.

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