The Lazy and Cowardly Princess

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Seeing as how we are so focused on Nayu and there isn't a lot of plot so far in the castle, I decided to try something in this chapter and see how it goes, which is seeing the training camp in the perspective of my other two OCs, if you don't remember they are Kuro and Shiro. Let me know if this is good and if not then well I can improve. We are so close to the end of season 1 I can just feel it! For those of you just reading, thanks for giving it a chance and for those whose been reading thanks for sticking with me on this journey, hope you stay till the end, now onto the chapter!

Minori was up in the tree scoping out the goblin's next moves while the rest of her group stood on the ground awaiting Minori's orders.

"Hey! You guys!"

The group turned to see Shiro and Kuro running over as Shiro waved his hand up in the air.

"Naotsugu told us to come over here to help you guys out." Shiro was catching his breath as he spoke. "Well, how are the goblins doing?"

"The enemy might be approaching." Minori placed the telescope down as she reported, her eyes glowing green as she looks down at the group. "I'll report once I have visual. Touya!"

"Lure them out!" Got it!" He yelled out.

"If we are talking about luring enemies..." A phantom spirit appears next to Kuro as he spoke. "I can have Phantom go over and lure them from further away towards us."

"Oh! That's amazing Kuro!" Isuzu exclaimed as she stared at the cute phantom. "Look at this thing, it's so adorable!"

"Kuro was really sad when he found out the game designers changed the design." Shiro said. "Apparently the old design scared a bunch of players so they decided to make it cute."

"It can still do it's job..." The phantom snuggled up to Kuro's face making him pet it on the head. "But I would have preferred it to be scary...Let me know when to release it and I'll have phantom go on ahead."

"I understand!" Minori called out before continuing her observation.

"How can Miss Minori see in this darkness?" Rudel asked.

"She's using magic eye drops that Naotsugu lent her." Serara explained. "She should be able to see like a cat for a full day."

"We can't risk the goblins making more moves at night, therefore the magic eye drops make it possible for her to see in the dark." Shiro leaned on a nearby tree as he explained. "As long as we can track their movements we should have the upper hand to attack them."

"It's rare to see you this serious Shiro." Kuro stood next to his friend as he continued to focus his attention to the phantom summon.

"Ah! Really~!" Shiro rubbed his head with a wide grim. "Did I sound cool! Well gotta look cool in front of them!"

"How lame..."

"H-Hey Kuro!"

While that was happening, Rudel and Touya took to sitting down at a nearby tree as Touya took a drink out of his canister.

"It's going to be a long night." Rudel states looking up at the sky.

"Yea. But we aren't alone, are we?" Touya lowered his canister as he spoke. "As long as they have something to protect, anyone would..."

The conversation went silent after as they took in the silence waiting for the monsters to approach. Eventually Minori request Touya and Kuro to begin leading the gobins towards them as Touya left to attract it and Kuro sent out one of his phantoms out to attract it. Back with Shiro and Kuro, Isuzu came over to play with the other phantom left behind with Serara behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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