Extra chapter 2: Happy birthday Nayu version 2

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Extra chapter 2: Happy birthday Nayu

"Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to...me...Happy birthday to me." A young woman walked through Elder tale Akihabara with a sway to her step. Even if the girl couldn't tell how long she had been in the game, she counted each day in the game as one in real life, and it eventually led up to the day her birthday was suppose to be on.

As the girl walked through town, she stopped and looked around where she was to see how busy the road became, more food stalls had opened and many more players have crowded the area. She smiled as she looked around to see all the people not fighting, but smiling and bonding with each other. She soon set her vision forward and continued her walk to wherever she needed to be. But before she could continue, her message box blink making her stop and opened her messages to talk.

"Hello, Nayu here, what's up."
"Ah Nayu, this is Shiroe.""Shiroe, ah hello, is something wrong?"
"Well, Maryelle is having one of her big fusses and won't do any work unless she gets what she wanted."
"I see, then what does this have to do involving me...It better not be to have me being used as a plush..."
"No, but if you can get a order we placed in a local bakery, maybe a pastry from the place may help her calm down."
"I see, soothe the savage beast with food, well you got it, Sargent Nayu on the case."

Nayu soon ends the call and places a jump into her step walking to the bakery that Shiroe had just messaged her. He also said that the baker will know the order when she tells them her name. So, following the directions, Nayu eventually stops at a local bakery and walks inside to be attacked by the smell of bread all around. "Hello, is anyone here?"

"Ah, a customer, come in." A elderly women comes from behind the counter and walks to Nayu. "Welcome, my name is Emily and I am the owner of this bakery along with my husband, what may I do for you?"

'Another NPC who can talk freely...'

"Yeah, My name is Nayu and I come from the Crescent Moon guild for a order."

"Nayu you say..." Emily begins to walk to the behind of the bakery. "Wait there, your order has already been ready."

"Yeah." Nayu called out as she begins to look at the pastry on display.

A few moments later and the elderly NPC comes out of the back with a white decorated box in hand and a paper bag in another. "Here is the order they requested, and here is something extra just cause you look cute."

"Oh, thank you!" Nayu took both things into her hands. "I'll be sure to give this pastry to the others and share the extra."

As Nayu begins to exit the bakery, Emily calls her. "Nayu wait."


"The guild also told me to make sure you get this message, "Nayu, when you receive the pastry, do not open it or else she will reject it." is what they wanted me to tell you."

"I-I see..." Nayu let out a sweat drop as she heard the message. "Well, thank you and have a nice day."

Nayu left the bakery and began her walk back to the Crescent Moon guild. On her way, she opened up the paper bag she was given to see fresh baguettes still steaming making her mouth water. "Well, I guess I can stop for a moment to eat one..."

So Nayu walked to the giant tree landmark and placed all her stuff down before feasting on the fresh bread. Eventually, she did not just settle for one, but ate all the bread in the bag. From all that food and a full stomach, her eyes began to lower. "M-Maybe...A little will do...I'm sure they won't mind..." And her eyes fully closed sending her to dream land.

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