Chapter 89

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I walked back to Raiden's house and let myself in. "Raiden?" I shouted. I could hear giggling when he appeared.
"Hey taiga!" He said in shock. "What are you doing here."
"Erm I live here?" I said confused.
Ayumi appeared. "Oh. She's here."
"Shhhhh" Raiden said holding his hand out. She pulled a face and sighed.
"Look. If you two like each other I'm not going to stand in the way of that. Think it's great. She's pretty and funny. She's just mean to me but she's nice to you.." I said smiling.
"You think I'm pretty?" She asked smiling.
"Yeah." I said nodding. "Erm anyway Raiden, being my best friend it is your duty to know I'm going out with Kaneki."
"The new guy?" She asked confused.
"Oh Taiga knew him before he moved." Raiden said.
"Taiga?" She repeated sounding confused.
"Oh I meant Hana." He corrected himself.
"Oh. Well that's nice. At least he has friends." She smiled. "Look, Hana. We got off on the wrong foot. Any chance we can start over. Seems like I'm going to be here for a while anyway."
I smiled. "Sure. It'd be lovely to start fresh." I nodded and shook her hand. "As lovely as it is to see you wearing Raidens unbelievably revealing shirt I have to run. Just wanted to drop in and make sure you were alright. I'm going back to Kaneki's house. If Ayato pops by don't tell him where I am. Make up some lame excuse I dunno. I shall see you two later on" I said smiling. "Oh and I will ring you later if I plan on sleeping at Kaneki's house again"
"Alright see you later"
I nodded and walked out.
It began raining so I pulled my jacket over my head an ran home, on the way, stopping in a bookstore. I walked to the cashier and smiled. "Do you sell mangas here?" I asked. He nodded and pulled one out.
"Wow. I use to watch that when I was a kid. Wonder whatever happened to it"
"Yeah I know." The man said smiling. "Tell you what. I'll throw two In for the price of one."
"What? Seriously?" I said smiling.
"Yeah why not. It's not like anyone actually buys them anymore is it."
"Well thank you for your kindness" handed him the money. "Have a good day." I said walking out of the shop. I heard a 'you too' before the door closed behind me. The rain hadn't stopped but it had slowed down. I managed to run to Kaneki's quickly without getting too wet.
"Kaneki?!" I shouted. The house was a mess, like someone had forcefully invited themselves in and trashed the place. I saw a spec of blood and gently poked it before smelling it. "Ayato's blood?" I said rubbing my thumb and index finger together. "it's still warm"
I put my bag down and began to look around.
"Kaneki?" I shouted again. I walked into his room and it was untouched, so I took a wild guess as to the reason the thug had done all of
"Taiga?" Someone shouted. I turned around. "What the hell happened?"
"Ayato payed me a little visit. I ate his dad and now I've taken his girl. he's rather mad"
"You ate his dad?" I said confused.
"Yeah. The investigators armour was Touka and Ayatos father."
"And you ate him?"
"I didn't mean to. You of all people should understand that Taiga."
"I do understand, believe me I do but that's not the point I'm making. You ate his dad? His father Kaneki! It doesn't help that we're together and in a way he could be using the father thing to resent you more but if he is then you let him!"
"I don't have to do anything."
"Yes, you do now listen to me and do as I say. Apologise to him, make things right don't drag this on. You work together, you need each other." I sighed. "go find him now" I said looking down.
he walked over and kissed my forehead. "As you wish" he then walked out. I smiled and went to look the door when it began to open.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I said backing away from the door.
"Just came for a chat. Mind if I come in?" He said bursting in the door.
"Look you have to leave." I warned.
"Why would I do that?"
"Please just leave" I asked.
"Why?" He said moving towards me. I pushed him away.
"Look. If Kaneki gets back and realises you are alive them he will flip at us both"
"Why would he flip at you?"
"I knew the moment I took your head off that you'd heal. He'd be able to pick up on that"
"I knew you could never kill me"
"Don't flatter yourself. I can't kill you because you heal. I'll find a way eventually."
"I'll look forward to it Taiga"
Akio looked at me and sighed. "I want you back. I saw how strong you are and I have to say, this taiga I am attracted to."
"Akio, leave" I said looking down.
"Why can't you face me? Why do you have to look down"
"You killed the man I loved. Do you expect me to forget that happened"
"No. I want you to remember it. Remember what I'm capable of. Remember that even despite the poison an the fact I was decapitated I still survived. Remember that you can't have any boyfriends but me"
"I'm with Kaneki. I dare you to try and kill him"
He sighed. "Silly silly girl" he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the house.
"Get off me!" I shouted.
It was raining quite heavy and the mud was wet and gooey so when he threw me onto the ground you can imagine I was quite dirty.
"Akio calm down!" I shouted. He walked over and kicked me in the face, sending me to fall onto my back. I sat up and rubbed my face. "Stop it right now." I warned.
He walked over and went to hit me again but I caught his arm.
"I warned you" I said blankly. I twisted it, cracking the bones so he dropped to his knees. "Leave. And don't come back" I said. I let go of his arm and pushed him away but he grabbed me and tackled me to the ground.
He held my arms above my head and was sat on the top of my legs so I couldn't move.
"I'm gonna love hurting you over and over again" he said activating his kagune.
"I bet you are." I said looking up at him.
"Get off her right now" someone said. He stood up to reveal Naki and Raiden stood there angrily. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into the house.
"Of anyone follows me she's dead" he shouted before slamming the door.

Hey, guys oh my god 25k reads! I owe it all to you. Thank you so much! Please go do me a favour and check out @ArminandJean her creepypasta fanfic, the dream-catcher blew my mind! It is unbelievably good. There's only two parts and I'm already hooked!
Anyway once again, thank you so much guys, love you all!

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