Chapter 28

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Are my eyes deceiving me? Is he standing there. I stood up and his face instantly changed. "Taiga...." He whispered.
"You two know eachother?" Ayato asked. I walked over to him and put my Hand on the side of his face. A tear rolled down his face.
"I thought you were dead. I woke up, you were gone an I was in a house with the guy that hurt me, said id make a good accomplice. Then my mum died and I thought you were gone." He said grabbing me, holding me close. I stood there with his arms wrapped around me like a scarf. I burrowed my head into his chest and began crying. "Taiga?!" Hinami screamed. "Why are you crying?!" she shouted. I moved away and stood there. She climbed on to the roof an stood there in shock.
"He's supposed to be dead" she said in shock.
Hide stood up. "You're Akio" he said confused.
"So she talks about me" he said smiling. "I loved you so much" he said hugging me.
"Loved?" Hide asked.
"I have a girlfriend...she's not half the girl you are. I'll end it with her straight away. For you" he said.
"You'll what?" I asked.
"End it. I never stopped loving you. I just thought you were dead"
I looked at him confused. "I've not seen you in three years. I moved on. After you died I moved away with Hinami and her mum and dad and I left as soon as I turned 17. And when I was 18 I came back. I'm in love with someone....just not you" I climbed down an ran inside. Kaneki stood in my door way. "Seriously. All I ask is for one day. One day without drama or death threats" I said storming off. I grabbed my coat on the way out of the café and just ran out into the street. Touka chased after me. "Hey, where are you going?" She asked.
"I'm going out. Eat some human food."
She grabbed me arm. "Why would you do that."
"I dont know? Maybe to stop feeling like a monster and more like a human." I pulled my arm back and continued walking off.
"Taiga. Please, don't do anything stupid." someone shouted. I stopped and turned around. Akio stood there with Ayato.
"Touka, you need to" I whispered.
"Ah. My darling sister. Don't listen to her. I need a chat."
Touka spat on the floor. "No. Piss off" she hissed.
I held my arm out to stop her from going mad. "Leave" I warned him. "Trust me, I wouldn't mess with me if I were you" I said calmly.
"Whys that?" He said smiling.
"Stop" Akio warned him.
"You serious? Why are you defending her?"
"We have history. Leave...her...alone" he said warning ayato. He shook his head in absolute disgust.
"who do you think you're talking to?"
I ran in between both of them.
"Ayato go. Jason will be here and if he sees you messing with me your fucked. So I suggest you leave and don't come back" I said separating the two boys.
"And why would Jason go mad?" Kaneki asked in accusing tone. I groaned and turned around.
"Please not now" I said sadly.
I turned back around and Ayato was gone. I sighed an looked back at Kaneki.
"Could you please stop being such an arse"
"Me?! I'm not the one that keeps leaving then getting myself nearly killed" he shouted.
"Hey mate leave her alone" Akio said.
"And who are you?" Kaneki asked.
"I'm her boyfriend."
Now, I know I should've interrupted but the look and Kaneki's face was priceless. I know he's worried about me, but he's being an asshole about it and so I might have just let Akio ramble on about me being his girlfriend....

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