Chapter 2

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Kaneki was no where to be found, neither was touka, and i needed to speak to one of them immediately. I found Yoshimura so I decided to speak to him instead. "Excuse me, Yoshimura, where is kaneki?" I ask politely.
"He has gone to the library with touka." he said smiling as he tidied up the cafe.
"Thank you." I bowed my head in appreciation.
Hinami pulled at my arm. "Can we go somewhere please?" She asks sweetly.
I pick her up and smile. "Of course we can sweetie." I say. I look back at Mr Yoshimura and smile. He smiles back and Hinami and I leave the shop. Hinami buries her head into my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask.
"The investigators are here." she whispers.
I hold on to her tightly, feeling her tremble against me. "Where do we go?" I ask.
Hinami points foward so I run holding on to her. I stop in front of the library and look around until I spot kaneki. I smack the window and he turns around. He spots me and Hinami and smiles. The investigators are right behind us but If I let go of Hinami they'll get her.
"Hinami, my bag, get my mask out and put it on me." I order.
Hinami does so. "Hold on." I mutter. I turn around to see the investigators and then back at the library to see kaneki and touka looking worried and scared. I hold on to Hinami and leap up onto the roof. I grab her and run as fast as my kagune let's me... I just need to get her to safety.
I keep running, but I'm then stopped by a man with lavender hair. "Come with me." He says in a blood curdling voice. I grab Hinami even tighter and run the opposite direction. I jump off a roof and find anteiku. I put Hinami inside and kiss her head. "Stay here." I say kindly. Mr Yoshimura picks her up an hides her inside, sensing me terror. I step away from the cafe to try and lead the investigators away but the man with the lavender hair jumps in front of me and rips my mask off.
"You're not touka." he says confused.
"No, I'm not, thanks for noticing." I say, dusting his hand away from me. I grab my mask back and see the investigators so I throw it as far as I can. The man looks at me and smiles.
"Your kagune is very similar to Touka-chan."
I nod. "Nice to know"
The man smiles as he looks me up and down.
"You look very fragile. Petite. I thought touka was small but aren't you just..." he groans. "...Aren't you just yummy. I could eat you in one bite." he says licking his lips. I take a step back. "But I won't. You're too pretty to be eaten." He says holding his hand out. I look at him confused and scared. "Take my hand so I may introduce myself properly." he says smiling. I take his hand. He kisses it gently. "Tsukiyama Shu."
"Taiga Daisuke..."
He smiles. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl."
I pull my hand back slightly creeped out. I see both Touka and Kaneki who look scared by this mans presence and indicate me to pretend I never saw them as they back up behind a corner. "How about we go someplace quiet." He says creepily.
"Erm I don't know you..." I say trying to ease out of going anywhere with this man.
"I just told you my name, so you do know me." He grabs my arm and gently pulls me along with him.
He takes me to a small house underground. "This is my training ground. I want to see your kagune." He says.
"I want to see how alike you and touka are."
I activate my kagune and smile, it's nice to have it working again..
"She can shoot red crystals at high speed." He says, excitedly.
I show him that I can shoot fire out of mine and he seems highly impressed.
"Can't say that I've seen anything like that before."
He walks over to me as my kagune disappears. "I'm going to treat you. But you have to trust me." he says close to my ear, his warm breath on my neck causing every hair on my body to stand. He walks away and hands me a dress.
"Put it on over there and tie your hair up." he says.
Without even thinking I put the dress on and tie my hair up.
He passes me my mask. "You got it back." I say smiling greatfully. He nods. I put my black mask, that looks a lot like a ski mask, on. Just my mouth and teeth are showing out of the mask. He comes up from behind me and ties a blindfold around my eyes. "No peaking, okay" he says.

I nod as I let him carry me somewhere. He sits me down and ties me to a chair, but something tells me to just go with it. I'm safe. I'm not in danger, my senses haven't been the best to me for a while. I begin hearing a lot of noise like people gathering up for an event. He takes my blindfold off. "No please tell me he's not an s rated gormet ghoul." I spat in utter disdain. He takes centre stage and begins talking to the crowd. I try to get out of the chair, but I can't. A human then appears, crying and scared, obviously. He has orange hair and looks cute and innocent and like an upbeat kinda guy. I can't sit here and watch him die like this!
I feel my body fill with rage. I'm not going to let an innocent boy die In front of me so with all the strength I can some up, I brake out of the restraints Tsukiyama had put me in. He smiles at what is happening like he had planned it in such a short space of time. I'll give the man credit for thinking so quickly.
I dash over and help the boy up but he starts trying to fight me off.
"I'm gonna help you!" I shouted.
"No get off me!" he squeals.
"Just let me help you" I growl, trying to pick him up. I hear something big, walking towards me. I slowly turn around to see something Tsukiyama called a 'scrapper'
"Get up. Get up. Get up." I say to the human. He still choses not to trust me. "Okay, look I'm sorry, but I have to do this." I say as I punch him across the face knocking him out. I pick him up and sling him over my shoulder. "Could you not have been a bit lighter." I say to myself. I use my strength to jump on to the 'scrapper' and leap through the sky light on the ceiling.

"I've carried this guy for hours, why isn't he awake." I think to myself as I put him down under a bridge. My first couple of days here and I've already put my life at risk... twice. Why did Ryo stay here with Hinami for so long? I take my mask off and I take his jacket off and put it on, he's out for the count so the cold shouldn't affect him? I put my hands in his pockets and feel a phone. I pull it out and there are about 30 misse calls off Kaneki. I ring kaneki hoping it's the guy from anteiku. "Hide! Where are you?!" He shouts down the phone.
"Kaneki?!" I ask
"Taiga? Why have you got hide's phone"
"The guy you and touka ran away from took me to some weird place and hide was the main course. I have him here unconscious but he's alive. I don't know where I am." I say sobbing down the phone.
"It's okay. I'll find you."
He then hangs up. I press my head up agains the wall. So hide is his name. I begin staring at him. He looks cute. His eyes begin opening so I stick my face over his. He opens his eyes fully and screams. I put my hands over his mouth. "Please. Shut up!"
He slowly stops screaming and sits up.
"Is that my jacket?" He asks.
I smile innocently. "You weren't concious, and I was chilly."
"Why have you got it on?"
"I just said why?" He stared at me, still looking confused. "I carried you for miles, and I thought maybe you wouldn't mind." I said unzipping it and throwing it at him.
"What happened?" he asked. "I had this really weird dream I was surrounded by ghouls. And a girl was there in a mask. But I didn't see her face."
"Oh you erm passed out so I thought I should help you and I carried you under here." I said.
He smiled and hugged me. "Thank you." He whispered.
I sat there with this boy attached to me, which is weird because I've never really had a boy this close to me before, well at least not in a long time. He moves away. His face begins to turn a light pink colour before he plants a small kiss on my cheek. "Thank you for saving me miss..." he pauses, waiting for me to introduce myself.
"Erm... Taiga" I say putting a hand on the spot he had kissed.
He stands up and helps me up. He walked behind me and wrapped his jacket around me. "You must be cold just in a dress" he said sweetly. I smiled and put my arms in his jacket. "Yes I am..."
"So. Where are we off to?" He asks.
"Anteiku cafe, I just don't know how to get there.."
"I do, I will walk you there." He says holding a hand out. I look at it confused. "When I hold my hand out, take it." He says, smiling ear to ear.
I nod and take his hand.

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