10. Christmas Time

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It was the last week before the Christmas holidays and people's spirits were high. The professors had relaxed our workload and us first years spent our free time relaxing in the common room. Tilly and Charlie were having a rather loud game of wizard's chess by the common room fire that had attracted the attention of a lot of people.

"Why'd they do that?" Cam asked the pair as Tilly's knight decapitated one of Charlie's pawns.

"That's wizard's chess for you," Charlie replied whilst moving one of his bishops to avenge the pawn. "It'd be boring if the pieces didn't do that."

"So the game's boring if there isn't excessive violence then?" Libby retorted sarcastically.


Libby rolled her eyes, "Well I, for one, think it's barbaric!" She scoffed before getting up and making her way to the other side of the common room.

"What's up with her?" I asked once Libby had gone out of earshot.

"She's grumpy because she's staying here over the holidays and can't find anyone else who's doing the same," Tilly answered before moving her queen across the board, "Checkmate!"

"I'll stay with her!" Cam piped up. I gave him a side eye,

"What do you want stay here with Libby for?" I asked.

"I just thought it'd be nice," he mumbled - blushing a deep red.

"Is that the only reason?" I smirked at him. He punched my in the arm,


"Shuddup Y/N,"

The last day before the Christmas holidays was finally upon us and we spent the morning packing our trunks before hauling them down to the main entrance where Cam and Libby were waiting.

"I see you've packed," Cam called out to us as we dumped our trunks on the pile with the rest of the Ravenclaws'.

"I see you haven't," I retorted looking at Cam then Libby and smirking.

"C'mon let's get to the great hall," Dan said, pulling me and Ritchie towards the hall's entrance, "I'm starving and I heard the Christmas feast is the best one of the year!" We entered the hall to see a giant Christmas tree the size of a double decker bus standing behind McGonagall's chair.

"Wow," Ritchie breathed as we made our way to our usual seats. I looked around the hall to see mountains of food sat on the tables as well as little green branches that floated in the air alongside the candles.

"Look, Cam mistletoe!" I teased, pointing to the branches suspended above us, "maybe you should call Libby over and--"

"Shut up Y/N." He glared at me.


I shrugged my shoulders,

"Just a thought," I grinned, sitting down between Dan and Charlie before he could hit me again.

Dan was right, this meal was the best we'd had so far. The pigs in blankets were the most delicious thing I had ever tasted and the roast potatoes were cooked to perfection. I must of had at least five servings of everything, except for the brussel sprouts of course, before McGonagall stood up and bid us farewell.

We said goodbye to Cam and Libby and left the castle making our way down to the station via carriages that appeared to be moving by themselves. The seven of us entered a compartment together and I sat down on the floor. "I'd rather be sat down here then stuck between Dan and Charlie for the whole journey."

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