18. Duelling club

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Dan's POV

Quidditch training was relentless. Once a week, after lessons, Y/N and I would make our way down to the quidditch pitch for two hours of grueling drills. Y/N got lucky. Since the seeker doesn't really need to train with the rest of the team, he would spent most of the time perfecting his turns and dives and basically just messing about. However, Fifwalds did assign me to beat bludgers at him every now and then to keep him on his toes. So far I'd managed to hit him twice although he claimed that he let the bludgers hit him to keep my confidence up. One evening after a tiring session of quidditch, Y/N and I trudged up to the common room to find the other second years crowded around the noticeboard.

"Y/N, Dan! Come have a look at this!" Charlie called over.

I walked over to the notice and read it out loud, "There will be a duelling club for second years starting next week. All those that want to participate sign here," There was another sentence underneath the other's signatures that Y/N read,

"Students that perform well will be given extra credit and allowed to partake in the club in the following years." He said a grin forming on his face. "Well this is brilliant!" He chuckled taking a pen off Chloe and signing his name, "You want the pen Dan?"

I nodded and took it from him; signing my name beneath his. "So who do you think runs this then?" I asked handing Chloe her pen back.

"Flitwick probably," Tilly replied, "I read somewhere that he was a champion dueler when he was younger,"

"Yeah but he's really old now," said Charlie, "my guess is that it's Professor Boot. He was a part of Dumbledore's army with Harry Potter."

We spent the rest of the evening debating who the professor in charge of the club would before one of the prefects ordered us to go to beds.


The next week went by slowly. Any free time I had was spent either doing homework or helping James look for the Chamber of Secrets. So far we'd had no luck and, if James wasn't certain that his parents had been there, I'd have said it didn't exist at all. I didn't know why he couldn't just ask his parents where it was but, whenever I brought it up, he shut me down quickly.

"No way they'd kill me if they found out!" He said after I asked him after yet another day of unsuccessful searching.

"What about your uncle?" I asked hopefully, "he was there too wasn't he?"

"Yeah, but he'd just tell dad if I asked him," James sighed, "we're gonna have to find this on our own,"

"We've been searching for a month mate; we've looked everywhere!" I whined.

"But it's gotta be around he-"

"Look mate, it's been a month; we haven't found it and we haven't pranked Zabini or Grover yet."

I chuckled trying to lift the mood, " can't have them thinking they've scared us off can we?"

James smiled sadly, "Yeah I guess you're right, well I'll tell you when I do find it,"

I laughed, "you better. I can't have you going into a creepy snake dungeon by yourself now can I?"

He laughed as well, "I can handle myself!"

I looked at him skeptically.


It was very late when I finally made it to the common room; Dominique was the only second year still up.

"Where've you been?" She asked looking up from her homework. I went and sat down beside her,

"Helping your cousin find an unfindable place,"

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