The new beginning to a boring life

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Skipping some days, Ryo successfully entered the elite school. After a demanding exam testing one's magic amplitude, He is now successfully enrolled and placed in the temporary class 1-B, the second-highest classroom for the first year.

This is not a big deal for him, he feels like this is just another trivial chapter of his life.

June 3, 2121,

He found himself standing in front of his classroom, slightly nervous and reluctant as he only lived his life in isolation. Forcing himself, he opened the sliding door.

Inside were students, whose gaze turned at him as soon as he opened the door, and stared at him. Shrugging off the tense gazes of his classmates, he sat at his assigned seat near the window.

The room was futuristic and advanced. The room was white, with a whiteboard on the left half of the front wall, and a huge black monitor on the right half.

The seats were white, and had a comfortable white cushion attached.

Above them were bright, white lights, coming from an LED light just underneath the room-sized square ceiling, along with several small circular ceiling lights.

Basically, everything about this room screams "expensive."

Ryo looked in awe at the advanced classroom.

I never thought this is how modern schools look like right now.

He thought to himself, when suddenly, he heard a voice that obliterated his thoughts.

He doesn't want any communication with the others whatsoever. But, one student, in particular, walked up to him.

"Hey there, "

He turned his head to look at her. A girl with long, brown hair and beady blue eyes, wearing their white uniform greeted him with her cheerful voice.

"What is it?" He said in his cold and uninterested voice.

"You are the new student, aren't you? Nice to meet you! I'm Ayane Hina!"

She extends her hand, offering a handshake. But Ryo only looked at it.

A peace offering, maybe? That's one weird way to think of it. She seems like the kind of girl who makes friends with everybody. However, that contradicts my interest. I do not want to make friends.

Those things could attach me to a potential backstabber that may ruin my chances in this school.

My purpose remains solely on graduating and maybe even making my Mom happier by getting an award or two.


"What's wrong? I want to be friends with you!"

"Friends? I have no interest in having one whatsoever."


"Please, if you don't have anything more to say, please leave me alone."

He turned his head away from her. His cold behaviour caused Hina to feel somewhat distant and unpleasant about him. But, she's a congenial person and she wants to be friends with everyone.

As she was about to talk to him once more, she was stopped by another person."Hina, you can't please everybody, Please refrain from doing your usual"Another high school girl stopped her."

I see. Well then, Kyosuke-Kun, see you later!"

They walked off and away from Ryo. He lets out a sigh before staring out to the window once more.

The school itself isn't bad in terms of first impressions. If anything, this academy is one of the best. However, from the chitchats I've heard from making my way here, this is an academy that is being led by students, rather than adult teachers and advisers. There is a governing organization here composed of elite students that manages the whole school, from bills to events, and to everything, or so at least that's one of the things the random student earlier was blabbing about.

Boring Life In A Magic HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now