Something Amiss (4)

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Ryujin walked towards the reclining chair, and gently laid the girl down. Not long after, the senpai they called soon arrived.

The senpai they pertained to was a third-year female student. She has long, mint-green hair that extends up to her waist, ornamented by a flower hairpin on the right side of her hair, and with vibrant, bluish-green eyes. She wears the white Seiei uniform, with a blue jacket that lengths up to her knees, and a small robe that only covers her chest.

She walked towards the girl with a grim expression plastered on her face. Ryujin and Kyouko's bodies slightly tensed up upon facing the serious and murderous look on their Senpai's face.

"The monster who did this deserves death." She cursed under her breath. Usually, she's cheerful, and happy-going, however, In this situation, she can't help but feel angry.

"We'll question her later on once she wakes up. We'll find the culprit." Ryujin replied.

"Do that. I'll treat her." She gently placed her left-hand palm over the girl's face, and in the next second, upon the shining of a green light, her whole body was treated.

"She's healed and done. Give her ample time to rest. She ordered.

"Alright, thanks, Stella-Senpai."

"Another thing, Ryujin. Ask her about the exousia stone. She reeks awfully of it."

"Got that."

"And you, Kyouko-chan, if she wakes up, immediately call me, okay?"

"G-Got it, Stella-senpai!"

Stella flashed her a warm smile, before leaving the room.

They let out a deep breath, relaxing their body as they did.

"It's rare for Stella-Senpai to be that scary, right Kyouko?"


"Oinuma Stella, the third seat of the Seiei council. Her abilities are flawless as usual." Ryujin complimented.

"She's powerful indeed. She is the academy's greatest nature-type magician."

"Well, now that the girl is healed, let's sit and wait for her to wake up."

The two of them grabbed a white chair from the side and sat down in front of the girl.

"Why don't talk about something? I don't want to get bored." Ryujin suggested.

"About what?"

"Hmm, let's say about the first-year students."

"That again..."

"Well, I have a valid reason. Hehe."

"Okay then."

"So, Kyouko-chan, who is the most interesting out of all the first-years?"

"As I've said, the strongest I could see in my class are Akamine Airi and Kyosuke Ryo. In the other classes, there are two that I've seen. Aoki Reina and Tokita Souta."

"Hmm, I don't recognize any of them. But who do you think is the best magician out of them?"

"I haven't seen the abilities of Aoki and Tokita. However, Kyosuke Ryo is definitely on another level."

"Him? The student who beat you? I can't wait to see what he's made of. So, then, is he the person who encountered the exousia stone smugglers?"

"That's a secret of course."

"Well, it's pretty obvious now. He's the only one missing during dinner time in their classroom. A few students were also missing from other classrooms, however, I saw them through the CCTV at a different part of the hotel. Kyosuke is the only one I didn't find, and since the forest area CCTV is broken, it's pretty safe to assume that he's the one.

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