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It was evening already and there she was walking with her mom and fiancee in front while she was behind them.

Oh, how bad she just wants to run away from them!

And that's when her eyes fell on two familiar figures walking together, coming towards her side.

Taehyung and Jimin were walking towards the front of the ship while Y/N was coming from the opposite side. Their eyes met and in no time a smile formed on Y/N face as she waved at him from behind.

Haesong and her mother were busy in their conversation so they didn't get to know.

Taehyung and Jimin were about to pass away by Y/N's side when she quickly glanced at them and mouthed "I'll be there!" Both of them smiled cheekily and showed a thumbs up before going their own separate ways.


“Hi, guys!” Y/N waved her hands while going towards the boys who were busy chatting and laughing.

“Hey, Y/N-ie!” Hoseok chimed like a baby and hugged her, “What are you guys laughing at by the way?” Pulling away from Hoseok Y/N said.

“You know Hahahaha! Namjoon hyung he--Oh my god my stomach!” Taehyung hysterically laughed while holding his stomach and others were doing the same except Namjoon, he sat there smiling awkwardly looking here and there.

“He broke his glasses while wearing them!” And there Jin goes with his windshield wiper laughter.

“Guys it was a mistake okay?” Namjoon tried to sound convincing.

“Yup just like you broke my watch last time!” Jungkook held his forehead trustfratedly.

“And the strings of my guitar!” Yoongi joined the conversation.

“The handle of our doorknob!” Taehyung added.

“My favorite coffee mug!” Hoseok scoffed.

“And my favorite lip balm!” Jin glared at Namjoon.

“Pffffftttttt Bahahahahahahahaha...I-I'm sorry but this is just too funny!” Y/N laughed while holding her mouth and Namjoon pouted like a little baby whose candy was snatched away and he got bullied while the others can't help but join Y/N in laughing.

“My toothbrush too guys!” Someone shouted from somewhere far as they all found Jimin standing on the railings of the front of the ship.

“Shut up Jimin you got no jams!” Namjoon teasingly raised his eyebrows and smirked. Jimin just rolled his eyes in return and Y/N chuckled making her way towards him.

“What are you doing up there Jiminie?”  Y/N asked and Jimin turned around, “Oh Y/N!” He climbed down and looked into her eyes.

“Uh--” Y/N was about to say something when he put his finger over her lips and hushed her, “Shh…just close your eyes!” He said more like soft whisper and Y/N nodded before closing her eyes.

“Now step up and hold onto the railing.” Jimin protectively held her hand and helped her to climb up the railings, “Keep your eyes closed okay?” He said while climbing up himself.

“I am.” Y/N answered.

“You trust me Y/N?” Jimin whispered in her ear and reached for her arms opening them wide in the air, like wings.

“I do, more than myself.” She replied and Jimin let out a chuckle at the choice of her words, “Open your eyes now.”

Then Y/N peeled open her eyes slowly, and the view in front of her was breathtakingly beautiful.

The sunset in the sky as fresh colors brushed upon an artist's canvas as if those rays were destined to create a great work of art. The wide ocean bathing in the reddish-orange color of the setting sun. The cold breeze flowing and brushing against their bodies.

It was a heavenly view and she felt like she was flying.

“I'm flying Jimin!” Y/N squealed heartedly.

“Ofcourse, you're a free bird now.” Jimin intertwined their hands together.

Y/N turned her neck back to see Jimin and his eyes were already fixed on her. And that gaze felt different like he was looking through her.

Slowly his hands traveled down to her waist, holding her firmly and his eyes roamed down to her lips, stopping there. Those rosy pink lips, shining in the evening light, tempting much that he felt a sudden urge to taste them.

And the next moment he knew, his lips were already on hers, savoring them. His lips brushed hers, softly, delicately, like butterfly wings.

Being unaware, Y/N was kissing him back with all the love and passion she had. Jimin smiled in the kiss and cupped her face deepening it.

It was soft and sensual, not trying to win a battle but seeking union and closeness, sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment.

She felt heat rising up to her cheeks and fireworks in her stomach. Is that what people call butterflies when you kiss someone?

In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment.

In that kiss, she felt the promise of years and the sweetness of waiting for true love.

And she regretted nothing...

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