Holiday news

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Your POV/Flynn's POV

Me, Carrie, Julie, Willie, Alex, Luke and Reggie were just chilling watching movies and talking when Ray(Julies dad) came barging in trough the garage door. "You guys are going to Hawaii!" "WHAT?!" We all yelled at the same time, causing an eruption of laughter for everyone in the room. "Since you guys are all over the legal age to travel on your own, I took the liberty of booking you guys a group trip to Hawaii." "OH MY GOD! THANKS DAD!" Julie said, whilst running up Ray to thank him. "This is going to be so fun. When do we leave?" Carrie asked the question on everyone's mine. "Tomorrow. Your flight is at 7:00am but you'll have to wake up at like 1:00am because I know you guys will want at least a hour to get ready and the airport is about 4-5 hours away so I'd get packing if I were you, bye!" He said as he walks out the door. "Ok this is going to be so fun! But we need to arrange seating partne-" "Can I go in the middle set of seats with Alex and Willie?" "I'm cool with that." "Same here." Alex and Willie both agree. "Yeah that's fine. Me and Luke are going to be sitting on the left side of seats. So that means that Flynn and Reggie will be sitting together😏." Julie said making a 'haha I win ' face at me but I just say "yeah I'm fine with that, just means I don't have to hear Julie yapping about how 'hot' Luke looks in his chill clothes." I shot a 'did you tho' face back at Julie while she just sit there and blushes while the rest of the group laughs and Luke just cuddled her closer.

Once me, Carrie and Julie made it to her room to start packing, Julie starts talking about how cute a couple me and Reggie would make and Carrie agrees! "Carrie! I thought you would be on my side to this!" "Nah girl! You two would be so cute together." "Ugh, really?" I asked, clearly not impressed that they had set me and Reggie up to spend 8 hits sitting next to each other on a plane. Not to mention that we alway sit next to our seating partner on the car journey to the airport so they set me up to spend 12-13 hours just sitting next to Reggie! Not that I minded really 'cause, to be honest, I maybe, sorta, kinda have a small ity bity crush on Regionald, but you'd never hear me say it out loud but these girls can just read your mind or something. But this point we were all past out on the floor but I could still hear some talking from out side my closed eyes. It was the boys. "Hey guys, look. The girls fell asleep on the floor. I'll move Julie to her bed, Alex, you move Carrie to her blow-up mattress and Reggie, you move Flynn to hers." Wait, What?! Why does Reggie have to move me?! "Why do I have to move her?" Reggie asked, clearly as confused as I was. "Because she's your girlfriend and you need to move her." "She's not my girlfriend!" Reggie whisper yelled. "Whatever. Just move her." "Fine." He said then I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. Reggie's arms wrapping around me. As soon as he picks me up , I hear a snap of a camera "Really?" Reggie asked, clearly unimpressed by what the boys just planed. "Sorry but Julie wanted some cute photos of you guys so." Luke said with a shrug. Reggie just ignores them and continues to put me to bed while the boys put Julie and Carrie to bed. I shiver at the loss of contact and Reggie puts his hoodie next to me, clearly knowing now that I was awake and heard everything that just happened. "Put it on if you get cold." He whispers just loud enough so I could hear him but so the others couldn't. I smile a bit, signalling that I was awake and am thankful." Alright I'm tired let's go." Said Alex as I hear the door open and close again. I immediately open my eyes and look at the hoodie Reggie gave me. I blushed a bit before putting it on and making myself comfy. All I hear is a distant voice say "Hey Reggie where's your hoodie?" before drifting into a dream-less sleep.

Yes Carrie and is friends with everyone now and no Nick is not apart of this story. I do not write smut but I will write some heated make out session sense if it fits with the story. Hope you guys enjoyed this first part and if you have any suggestions for the feature of this story, I'm all ears. Hope you have an amazing day, byee!!-a_girl_who_has_way_to_much_time_ on_her_hands:)


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