We're going to Hawaii! Part 3

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Yes same clothes again:)

Your/Flynn's POV

I woke up to the plane shaking. I shoot up and see that Reggie already put on my seat belt for me. Aww. I grab his hand and he looks at me and smiles. I smile back but he can still tell that I was scared so he pulls me closer to him and puts an arm around my waist holding me there.  Like I'd want to move though. I look to my left to see Carrie hugging Alex. I feel bad for him because I remember him saying he had a fear of flying. I look over to the other side of the plane to see Julie being hugged by Luke as she is on the brink of tears. The plane stops shaking and we all calm down a bit. "Sorry about that, everyone. We just flew through a storm cloud. We are ok now and you can take of you seat belts. Thank you and sorry of the inconvenience." I hear this over the intercom. I take off my seat belt and so does Reggie. It was then I realise he was still holding my waist. I blushed at this but he just chuckled and pulled me closer to him making my face go as red as a tomato. I look over at Carrie giving me that look and I just shake my head slightly. I look at my phone to see that it's now 12:30pm and lunch is being passed around so I grab my food and put on my favourite Netflix series but not before offering an AirPod to Reggie which he excepts and we tuck in to our lunch.

Time skip

It's now 1:30pm and we are getting ready to land. As we put our seat belts back on, I put my stuff back in my carry-on and get ready to land. As we hit ground, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I pick up my carry-on, unplug my seat belt and get ready to get of the plane.

As we enter the airport, we go to get our bags from the circle thing that hold your bags but I'm too lazy to stand and wait so I sit down and turn my phone off airplane mode and watch as the time changes from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. I see my bags on the circle thing and grab thing and put them on the trolley. I was really tired so while everyone got sorted, I sat on all the bags on the trolley. Just sitting there on my phone, peacefully, when all of a sudden I feel the trolley start to move. I look back to see who was pushing the trolley and guess who? Reggie. He just smiled at me I roll my eyes playfully and go back to watching TikTok. I bet Julie and Carrie put him up to this.

As we approach the bus, I get off the trolley and go to get on the bus. I sit down and Reggie sits next to me by the window as I wanted to talk to Julie. But this didn't end up happening because jet lag hit me hard.

Time skip

I wake up to the sound of Reggie's voice. "Hey Flynn, we're here." I hear as I slowly open my eyes. I get up, grab my bag and hop off the bus. We get our bags back on the trolley to take into the beach house that we will be staying in for the next month. Yep, month. As I look down at my phone I see just how long the drive is from the airport to here. We left at 4:30pm. IT WAS NOW 7:00pm!! I turn off my phone and lug my bags towards the beach house, I see just how big it actually was. As soon as we get in the house, me and the girls run upstairs to pick the girls room. We ended up choosing the right room and the boys would get the left. Of course me and the girls chose the room with the biggest bathroom. We start unpacking and get into our pjs, ready to go to sleep as we've been travelling all day and needed a break. As I slowly start to drift of I hear. "Do you want to see the photos of those two, their so cute but so oblivious." Before I could think too much of it I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Your/Flynn's pjs

Feel free to choose any pjs you want I just thought these were cute:)

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Feel free to choose any pjs you want I just thought these were cute:)

Hi, hope you guys enjoyed the 3rd and final part of the travelling section of this and, yes, I will be making a video of the best photos of 'their' trip that I can find on Pinterest. Again, if you have any ideas for this series, I'm all ears. Hope you have an amazing day, byee!!-a_girl_who_has_way_to_much_time_ on_her_hands:)


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