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I was woken up by the sunlight peeking through my window which made me groan in agony. I hated waking up so early for school, but going to a private school does have its pros and cons I guess. I got up from my bed and stumbled to my closet to find my school uniform. I grabbed my undergarments and a towel then went into my bathroom to take a shower.

Ever since I got home yesterday I felt violated for some reason. It was so weird and scary but I shrugged the feeling off. I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then I blew dried my hair, and left it down. I walked out of my bathroom to get my shoes and backpack and headed downstairs.

Like always my mom and dad were not home.

My Mom and Dad are business people and are always busy. Neither of them has ever been to any of my awards, parent-teacher conferences, recitals, or father or mother day assemblies. I guess I am just an accessory to their "picture perfect" family. I have always gotten good grades to please them but nothing seems to get their attention. And the things I have learned throughout the years also never seem to impress them. I learned how to play the violin, piano, guitar, flute, and Oboe. As in sports or talent-wise I did volleyball, ballet, gymnastics, track, swimming, soccer, softball, tennis, and cheer.

Every time I asked for something they would always say yes but not bother to even look at me. The only sports I actually stuck with are volleyball, track, and gymnastics. I have a bunch of trophies, medals, and certificates but they are all in a glass case in the living room. So that if we ever have guests my parents talk about their very successful daughter. But we rarely even have guests at the house.

Besides that, they aren't a really big part of my life but it's doesn't matter because soon enough I will be in college and on my own. Where I won't have to do
anything for anyone and I get to live freely...

I sat at the bench where I always sat whenever I read. I finished the book speak yesterday night so I got a new book from the library called Crave. I guess it's about vampires and an academy but I don't really know.

I was in the middle of reading when I felt someone sit next to me on the bench. I looked beside meeting those beautiful blue eyes who belong to Eric. His face is only being inches away from my face.

"Hello Diana," he greets, and his minty cold breath fans my face. I back away a bit to create some distance between us since I couldn't think right with him being so close to me.

I clear my throat and greet him back

"Hello Eric," I said with as much enthusiasm so that I can ease the tension. Even though it was quite obvious I was nervous.

"Reading a new book I see," he smirks looking down at the book in my hands.

"Oh uh yea I finished my other book yesterday night so I picked up something new from the library," I explain.

"What's it about?" He asks probably trying to keep the conversation going.

"It's about Vampires and an Academy. I've only read a few pages so I really don't know," I said tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. Eric immediately stiffens and his face goes blank.

Did I do something wrong?

"Are you ok? You seem bothered,"

"Oh it's nothing the book just reminded me of something," he shrugged and tore his gaze away from me.

I was about to ask if he was sure but he abruptly got up and left me sitting alone on the bench.

How Rude?!

He could of at least told me bye or something!

For the rest of the day, I didn't see Eric...

I felt guilty. Not that I did anything, well at least I don't think I did anything, but I still felt guilty. It was my last period and as usual, I went to the school's library to go study and do my homework.

I sat at the very back of the library and got to work. After I finished up my homework I went to the science fiction area to look for a book that will help me with my research project in science class. I was skimming through different books trying to find something about the future environment. After about three minutes I found the perfect one. I was about to grab it when someone else's hand suddenly appeared and took the book. I quickly turn around to see Reece.

"Oh Umm Hey Reece," I said giving him a little nervous wave.

"Hello beautiful," he said giving me a smile that seemed a bit off.

"Say what are you doing here all alone?" he questions.

Yup something is off with him

"I was looking for a book for science class," I said quietly.

"Hmm specifically the one I have in my hand," he raises an eyebrow at me. I can see the mischief in his eyes, but I tried to stay cool.

"Look Reece I really need that book," I sigh tiredly.

"How about a kiss first," he said backing me up to the bookshelf.

"No thanks I will just find a different book," I said and was about to go under his arm and leave but he blocked me.

Gosh darn it

"No no no I want a kiss," he said firmly.

"Sorry Reece but no," his eyes darkened and his fist clenched. He cupped the back of my neck and pulled me closer to his face.

Oh no

He was about to say something when he was torn off me.

I look up to see Eric gripping Reece's collar with anger burning in his eyes.

Double oh no

This chapter literally took me forever to make even though it's super short and trashy, but only because I have been busy studying for a placement test

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This chapter literally took me forever to make even though it's super short and trashy, but only because I have been busy studying for a placement test.
Hope you enjoyed

(Sorry for any grammar errors)

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