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My patience was running low, especially considering how tired I was.

"WHAT" I snapped, slowly opening my eyes.

Standing in front of me was someone I did not expect to be in my room at 1:00 am.


*Emma POV*

"E-enzo?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's me."

"What are you doing in my room at 1 in the MORNING??" My brows furrowed in confusion. I did not take lightly to being woken up.

"Uh, I-I-I just wanted to ask you something."


"Are you," he started, "okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Once again, I was confused. I blame 1 am brain.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice that you didn't really care about the bruise that Antonio gave you."

"Enzo," I started, my voice dangerously low, "It is 1 in the freaking morning, and you're asking me if I'm okay?? This couldn't have waited till tomorrow?" I ended with a heavy sigh.

"Fine, you caught me." He said, "the real reason I came into your room was that I had a nightmare, and I figured that you would be awake."

For the third time that night, or should I say morning, I was confused.

"Nightmares? What nightmares?" I asked Enzo.

"Um, well I-" He started, clearly not knowing what to say.

"Hey, you know you don't have to tell me, right?"

He nodded his head and sat at the foot of my bed.

"Well, now that you're here," I continued, "take this and leave. I don't need your stinky butt in my room."

I handed him a sleeping pill and a glass of water from my bedside table.

He almost looked confused about why I had sleeping pills, but he shrugged it off and gladly accepted the offerings.

"Thanks, Emma" And with those words, he exited the room, giving me a slight smile as he left.


Emma POV (5 days later)

That night had happened a couple of days ago, and neither Enzo nor I had acknowledged it.

It was probably better that way, to be honest.

The days after that night were boring and repetitive until Alessandro told me some news.

(flashback or whatevs)


I turned around, pausing Grey's Anatomy on the iconic Addison Montgomery Shepherd.

"Um, yeah?" I said, slightly confused.

"May I speak to you in my office?"

I shrugged my shoulders and followed him to his office.

"What do you need me for?" I questioned.

"Well, you've been here for almost a week," he stated, "And it's about time that you start school."

Honestly, I was glad to be starting school. Staying at home all day, everyday was boring.

"Uh, okey-dokey," I said.

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