It's his fault

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De meme ^


"I'm so sorry sir!" Izuku said bowing down which he had already done about a million times. "I... It's... It's my fault!" Aizawa looked down on the broccoli boy.

"It's not your fault." Aizawa had tried to say about 10 times but Izuku didn't listen. "Do I need to make it up to you?! I'm so so so sorry!" Aizawa groaned and put his hand on the kids shoulder.

"Listen, if it wasn't for you the dum Pikachu wouldn't be have stopped. He would have killed Mineta if we didn't stop him." Aizawa explained. Izuku had tears in his eyes. "If anything we should be thanking you."

Izuku looked at his teacher and looked towards the ground. "But I brought him here in the first place.." Izuku muttered not expecting Aizawa to hear him. Aizawa rolled his eyes.

"You just wanted to bring him back." Aizawa said calmly and put a hand on the child's shoulder. "And there's nothing wrong with that." Izuku nodded and looked towards the other members of his class.

They were all staring at the ground. The were the quietest they had ever been. Mineta had woken up not so long ago. Mineta was looking at Kaminari, who was in the corner of the classroom closest to Izuku and we'll away from everyone else.

They weren't scared of him. Well they were but Kaminari wouldn't attack them again. The were pretty sure he would not attack them again. All Kaminari did was stare at the floor not moving.

Izuku looked at Mineta to Kaminari. He didn't like the way they were not talking to eachother like they normally would. Or that they weren't being the loudest in the class. It seemed insanely quiet without the dumbest duos in the class.

Izuku sighed and looked back at Aizawa. "I'll be back." Izuku said and walked away from the teacher. He walked towards Kaminari.

"Hey.." Izuku said softly sitting down next to Kaminari. "Can u ask you a question?" Kaminari immediately said. "Sure!" Izuku said ready to answer his question. "Why is he staring at me?" Kaminari pointed to someone.

It was Mineta.

"Well.. you two were best friends." Izuku explained. "And you... Kind of.." Izuku was struggling to find the right words. "Tried to kill him?" Kaminari finished the sentence off for him.

"Yea.." Izuku replied, looking down and messing around with his fingers. "But he's alive. And we are dead." Kaminari said. "Yes I know." "Aren't dead people supposed to kill the alive people?" He asked looking towards Izuku. Izuku looked at Kaminari to.

"I don't know." He said looking down and messing around with his fingers again. "Can I ask you a question?" Izuku asked Kaminari.

"Ok." He said after a second of hesitation. "Do you know what is going on?" Izuku asked. Kaminari went silent. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Why is the dead here?" Izuku asked quietly.

"Not quite sure." Kaminari said. Izuku looked at Kaminari again. "That's fine." Izuku stood up. "Thank you anyway!" Kaminari looked up at Izuku. "I wasn't finished." Kaminari had said standing up to.

"Okay." That was all Izuku could say. He was curious what he was going to say though. "I did hear them say something." Kaminari began. "They said something about a dead person breaking into the alive world."

"Alive world?" Izuku asked. "That's this world I think." Kaminari answered. It was funny that it felt wierd that Kaminari new  something that other people didn't know. "Alright." Izuku said.

"They were also saying that it unbalanced the alive world and the dead world so this happened." Kaminari said. "That's all." He added onto that when he saw that Izuku was waiting for any more information.

"Alright thank you." Izuku then walked away and Kaminari sunk back to the floor and became unusually quiet again. That was when he realized what Kaminari had said.

Someone had unbalanced the world's. Izuku had never been to this 'dead world'. Was it.. him who had done this? It was all his fault that Kaminari is now dead? That the classroom feels empty? It was his fault that millions had died. It was all his fault.

"It's my fault." Izuku had said unconsciously. Bakugo looked towards Izuku. Bakugo walked up to Izuku. "What?" He said with his hands in his pockets.

"Kacchan.." Izuku said. Bakugo looked at him in the eyes. "It's my fault everything has happened." Izuku whispered. "What do you mean you damn nerd?" Bakugo spat out.

"The reason this has all happened.. The reason that Kaminari is dead. The reason that everyone is stuck in one room. Is because I was to stupid to actually make it to the end of my road." Izuku said his voice shaking slightly.

"So you basically shouldn't be here?" Bakugo said. "What a load of bull." Izuku looked at Bakugo with tears in his eyes. "You've been in this world as a livable for about a year right?"

"It started after o became visible." Izuku whispered. It was lucky that noone was listening. Noone knew what they were talking about. "True." Bakugo said in his harsh voice.

Izuku looked away from Bakugo and found the ground interesting. "Kacchan.." Izuku whispered. He knew what he had to do now. He was the reason everything was going on. It was his fault.

This started because he was here. Now all he had to was end that..

All he had to do was end it all..


It would be easy to just end it all.

"Kacchan.." Izuku said more loudly. "I know how to end it." Izuku looked back at Bakugo. "I know how to." He repeated


Heyo! 👌 I have another short chapter for you. 😞 Okay okay okay. I've got nothing to say anymore. 🙃

Hope you have a wonderful day/night.


Words: 976

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕆𝕗 𝕌𝔸 (𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙸𝚣𝚞𝚔𝚞 𝙰𝚄)Where stories live. Discover now