Furry High Chapter One: New School cont.

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"Are you going to stand and gawk at my sexy body forever lover boy?" "Wait, what? What the hell are you saying?!" "Whoa there Blake. Just calm down buddy. I know I'm a little much to take in all at once, but th- "Tod... Shut up. We invited Blake here to show him a good time, not how to go insane in five seconds." I highly regret this... I think another bus might take me home if I run for it, but I can't just leave Mason here to deal with Tod alone can I? "So Mason, wheres Melinda at?" "Oh she's in Aeropostale looking at clothes. So Blake, are you ready to take in the sights of our mall?" "Uhh.... Sure." I'd rather just take in the sight of his eyes.

Sweet Jesus!!! I'm in shopping heaven, but if I really look at the stuff for sale then Mason will notice the way I really am, and that simply cannot happen at all!

"Is there a restroom near here?" "Yeah, I'll take you." Why does he always do that?! "Thanks Mason."

Oh man my heart is racing. It seems so weird that I'm actually already crushing on someone, especially after I broke up with someone else. I just really hope Mason never finds out I'm different. That would be the point I'd just lose it. The mall was a close call though so I'm lucky I got out without "outing" myself. My mom kept asking why I didn't tell him, but how can I?! If he hates gay people I'm done for. Augh!! This isn't fair!!!

Tomorrow's Saturday so I was going to sleep in but Mason's window is right across from mine so I thought i'd stalk a little. Creepy right? Yeah, I know I'm a monster. I put up my laptop on the desk near the window to give me some cover and what do I see?!

A Girl!!! Damn, this is so unfair... Meh, I guess I just can't be lucky for one day of my life... Wait, wait, wait. What the hell am I saying?! I can't just expect the sexiest man muffin in the school to be gay can I? Yeah, who am I kidding. He'd never go for me anyway. Well maybe we can still be good friends. I guess I'll find out at school tomorrow.

Ok, so to recap... Sexy beasts straight, has a girlfriend, and will never like me. Yeah, FML. So anyways. I think I'll walk with Melinda to the bus, she only lives 2 blocks away from me. I might even be able to confide in her. She seems like she's the quiet type who doesn't spread rumors.

Actually I probably shouldn't say anything.

"Hey Malinda" "hmm? Oh, hey umm... Blake right?" "Yeah, mind if I walk with you?" "Sure go ahead, it's not like I own the sidewalk." "thanks." That was easier than I thought it would be. Maybe I should say something. "Can I ask you something? It's about Mason." "What about him? Wait don't tell me. You're gay and you have a crush on him?" "Wait a minute how'd you know?" "Didn't your mom teach you to never underestimate a woman's intuition?" "Uhh... No?" "Well there you go the lessons free of charge."

"So wait, you don't hate me?" "Not at all, I'm very open minded to that sort of thing." "Wow, umm that's good to know." "Well not everyone is though. Like Tod, he doesn't get all hateful, but he'll avoid you and tell everyone about you in 2 days time." "Thanks for the info. Can you- "Keep it hush hush? Yeah. I have to go to class now, so I'll talk to you later about this. Ok?" "Yeah, thanks again Melinda." "Don't mention it, bye." Oh hell! I forgot to ask her about that girl! Oh well I'll ask later. Well, I don't want to be late to class.

Agh!!! I can't even think straight anymore. Wait, straight? .......meh. Even so it's killing me, not knowing who that was. Especially when I forget to ask Melinda who she was. This is so unfair, I can't believe I let myself believe I could like him. It's just so st-


"I'm so sorry Mr. Dartmuth, I didn't mean to cause any insult, I've just been having some issues is all."

Geez, can you say asshole? He is such a prick, I mean, I haven't even been here a full week, and he's already treating me like i'm the scum of the earth. Not to mention I really don't need his smart ass comments when I'm already in a very unpleasant mood as it is. This is just ridiculous I can't even believe that I caused myself to be put through this. Oh great, here comes More trouble to deal with. "Hey Tod."

"What's up bro? You look pissed."

"Yeah Dartmuth is driving me out of my own skull."

"Well you'll have that every once in a while from him. You wanna go grab some shakes after school? Maggie Moo's is having a sale today."

"Okay, first off. What the hell is a Maggie Moo's?"

"Relax dude, it's an ice cream parlor. Maybe it'll cool you down."

"Sure, but we'll have to stop by my place to get my wallet."

So, here I am getting shakes with the guy who is currently number 2 on my dislike list. I mean, he's not that bad, but I'm sure he'll get worse later on if he finds out who I am. God this is insane. What am I really doing here? Feeling sorry for myself, because my ultimate crush has a supposed girlfriend I hadn't heard about (mainly because I just moved here)? I guess that's the only logical explanation, but hey if you asked me, I'd say it was hormone issues, and not the latter.

"So... Why exactly did you drag me out here Tod?"

"To hang out with the new guy, duh."

"Oh, so I'm just an object of everyone's social intrigue eh?"

"when you put it like that... Yes, yes you are."

"Well maybe I should start charging 25 cents a minute to hang out then."

"Then everyone would call you cheap, and dislike you. So it's easier to just be a toy for 2 weeks, and then get some alone time when everyone's done nitpicking you over and over."

"I'm guessing you have experience with this particular situation."

"Not entirely no, just what I've seen over the years."


"Yup, oh indeed."

Wow, I kinda feel bad about what I used to think when it came to Tod. He's actually way more intelligent than he acts. Maybe he's just trying to hide it from people. Meh, it's not really my business to know, so I guess I can just ignore that fact, but still give him credit.

When I got home I pretty much flew up to my room and face first into my soft, soft cushiony pillows. They were quite helpful in relieving stress from today.

It's not so easy being here. I'm constantly trying to grasp this situation. And maybe kick it off with a new friendship or two. I just feel like I need to stop look up at the sky, take in the world and just breathe.

End Chapter One.

Thank you all for sticking with me.

The second chapter will have so much more

In the way of surprises in store

So you'll have to stick around and see!

Yeah, just some cheap poetry there. Lol.

Furry High: Chapter one: New schoolWhere stories live. Discover now