Furry High: Chapter one: New school

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"Oh my god." Ok, so my name's Blake, and my parents have forced me to go to a new high school. Im in tenth grade, and Im a grey fox. I've left all my friends behind, and more importantly my boyfriend. Yep, that's right. Im ?gay, so what. Now back to the matter at hand. "This place is freakin huge! I doubt that they really need three stories." damn, was I wrong. "Hey! New guy!" "Huh?!" Remembering that wolf running towards me always makes me wonder how I ended up where I am now.

"Hi, im Mason. You must be new here." "Was I that obvious?" I gues that if by obvious I meant staring with my jaw dropped at this abnormally large school than yes, I was obvious. "Well, just a little." "Well, in that case. Yeah, im the new guy." Just when I finished that sentence a large bell rang out through the area. "Hey, school's started. Want some help finding your way around?" I felt really stupid afterwards. "Nah, you go ahead. I'll find my way." "Oh, I almost forgot. Whats your name?" "It's Blake, nice to meet you." "Cool name, nice to meet you too. I'm Mason. Well we should get going."

He was so nice, yet something seemed strange about him. "see ya later." "same, bye." When I finally found my way to the office, an old looking tabby cat was sitting at the desk marked secretary. "May I help you?" Holy crap, she sounds just like that old lady from Harry Potter. You know, that cat transforming lady... One two three furrevurto, and all that. "Um, yeah. I'm a new student." She immediatly dialed in a number on her intercom. "Could a member of the student body faculty come to the office please?" Uh, oh. I bet you can guess who decided to show up.

"Mason?" Yet again my jaw dropped as he walked through the double doors. "Heh, I thought I'd be seeing you again soon." "Well, I didnt figure you for a student body figure." Just then Mason made a really cheesy smile. "Yeah, my parents kinda signed me up for it." "I guess that's a cool thing then." "So, ready to go around and check out the school?" "Sure, as long as you dont use one of those creepy smiles again." We both burst into laughter, and began our tour of the school. I guess, i kinda like him.

"Blake? Are you okay?" "huh? What? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was in a daydream." "Yeah, I guess you were." "So, what class is next?" "None, it's lunchtime." "Oh, thats good. I'm starving." When we reached the commons Mason ushered me over to a table with what seemed to be the most popular kids in school. "Well, hello there. I'm Melinda."

Hmm. I'm guessing that the fox who just uttered that sentence is the hive queen of the school. "Err..." "Don't be shy, she has that effect on everyone she meets. I'm Tod nice to meetcha." I'm also going to assume that this ferret is the school's most popular comedic student. "Oh, no it's not that. I'm just.." "Nervous around new people? You sure seem like it." Now the comedy's turning into a neussance. "Ok, thats enough. This is Blake. He's new here."

Later on when lunch was over I finished my first agonizing scratch that, okay day of school at Capital High School, in Charleston, West Virginia. "So, did you make friends with anyone?" I cannot believe my mom just asked me that question. Well, I actually expected this to happen. "Well...I...Uhh..." "You met someone you like didn't you?" "You...could say that" "Oh, What's his name? How old is he? What is he?" "Ugh, his name is Mason, he's a wolf, and I have absolutely no idea how old he is." "Is he cute?" "MOM!!!"

Ok, my mom Miranda is weird. Yet it's just that we're the on our own, so I learned to live with it. Hell, I dont know why I'm even falling for Mason anyway. I don't know if he's bi, or gay. Not to mention I just left someone I loved quite a bit. I feel like a jerk for feeling this way about Mason, and I just keep thinking about him. Every time I close my eyes his face is right there. Mason, Mason, Mason!!! I swear my brain is practically screaming no, but my feelings are using a microphone, and screaming yes. I need some sleep, ugh.

"SWEETY!!!!" ..... "What?" "YOUR HANDSOME CRUSH IS HERE!!!!" "WHAT!? You can't be serious, because of the fact that one. It's saturday, and two. I didn't say where I lived!" "WELL HE'S SITTING ON THE COUCH!!!!" "Ok, i'll be down there in a minute." Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! How in the hell did he know where I live!? Well, it's still nice that he came over, but... HOW DID HE KNOW WHERE I LIVE!!!!

"Umm, heh... hi Mason." "Good morning Blake." "Don't get me wrong, but how on earth did you know where I live?" "Oh, I guess you didn't see me walking behind you." "What?" "Oh, I didnt mean that, I'm your neighbor." "....oh, sorry." "Oh, dude I totally forgot! I came over to ask if you wanted to go to the mall with me, and the gang?" "Well.... Is that alright mom?" "Sure, as long as your back at whatever time you want." "Ok, that's coo- wait what?" "Honey it's saturday, and your fifteen. Live a little." "Are you okay?" "Hun, i'm fine. Now go before I ground you." "Ok, then Blake. Let's go!" "Wait, I need my wallet!"

"Your mom's really cool Blake." " Dude, she's never done anything like that before." "Oh, well maybe you should have a test run, and see what you get away with." "Are you kidding?! If I did that I'd be in military school a week from now!" " Calm down, I was just kidding." God, I can not believe i'm walking with Mason to the mall! Even worse what if he finds out im gay, because I let my fashion side take control?! I'm so dead.

"So, where's the gang, and how are we getting to the mall?" "They're already there, and we're riding a KRT." "A what?" "KRT, it's a bus company." "So, we're riding a bus that has complete strangers on it?" "Well, when you put it that way... Yes, yes we are." Ok, this doesn't sound too bad." "So how far is the mall?" "It's in Charleston." Ok, thats a little far. "So, how big is the mall?" "Do you normally ask this many questions?" "Well.... No, not really." "I think you should just wait until we get there. Oh, hey the bus is here."

ok, thats kinda small. "Cool. So who all's at the mall?" "Everyone from the table at lunch." "Even Tod?" He started snickering. "Yeah, don't worry. You'll get used to him." "If you say so." "Trust me, I know so. I've been his friend since the sixth grade." "Wow, thats a long time." "Not really" We talked like we'd known eachother for years until we finally got to the mall. "Holy- CHEESECAKE!!!!" Was Tod waiting for me to show up just to annoy me?

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