Chapter four: Recovery

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"Oh god"

I felt overbearing pain and humiliation seeping into my mind as everything just exploded in my brain and tears started to rush faster than the water in the New River Gorge.

"Blake everything is alright now. It's not your fault, you didn't know Mason had that kind of malicious anger inside of him, hell, even I didn't know. He seemed like a nice young man to me."

My mom's words weren't exactly what I wanted to hear, but they were comforting none-the less. I just wonder what sort of punishment Mason had received for what he did to me. Hell, why the fuck do I care?! He almost killed me!

"Blake, are you okay? Are your pain pills working?"

It's funny how as soon as she said that pain flooded into me from my left leg. It was as though fire had melted my skin and someone slammed a hammer through my tibial and fibular bones.

"Ouch... Mom what happened to my leg?"

"Honey, Mason fractured and broke your leg in 3 places. The doctor says it'll be about nine months before the cast can come off. You're lucky you don't need surgery, but you will be in a wheelchair for quite some time."

"Oh man. This sucks. On a scale of one to ten I'm rating this experience as 10 million."

"Oh sweetheart. Look at it this way, you'll be building your arm strength up for nine months and then you can punch him as much as you like when you can walk."

I always did love my mother's sarcasm. Especially in this situation.

"So, what did the school do to Mason?"

"He has a recommendation for expulsion, but he wasn't removed so all they could do was give him 10 days of out of school suspension, 3 days of in school suspension, and after school detention for the rest of the year."

Well... I didn't actually think he'd get that much punishment. Go school system, you aren't as fucked up as I thought. Even though I'm still not satisfied.

"So, I'm guessing everyone at school knows?"

"I wouldn't doubt it, but if you want to you can transfer to homeschooling. I wouldn't be upset if you wanted to, honestly if it were me I would do it in a heartbeat."

That actually sounded pretty good to me, but I didn't want to hide for the rest of High School, because sooner or later I would have to face my fears. I couldn't remain afraid of Mason forever could I? Well I guess emotionally I could, but that's not gonna fly with me. I refuse to be afraid of anything anymore... Except spiders. They freak me the fuck out.

Guess who's back?! Ok, so I'm going to finish this! There's no way in hell I'm not going to! Thanks a bunch to those who kept waiting patiently, and thanks to those of you who just recently started reading! Next chapter on Tuesday! I'll have a four day weekend to write lol! Please vote comment and subscribe!

Ps: I highly suggest reading the Otherside Trilogy by KodiLynnCalhoun here on Wattpad!

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