Season 1; Chapter 1

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"Jasper!" Yleana exclaimed as she slammed her locker closed in exasperation, "For the thirteenth time, I'm not interested in your bucket collection!"

It was the most unfortunate thing in the world to have a locker right next to the locker owned by the guy with the weird obsession of buckets. Even worse, she was friends with him which meant that even if she wasn't at her locker, she would still be stuck with him trying to show her all his different buckets. Jasper Dunlop. Light brown curly hair, blue eyes, light skin, and thirteen years old.

"But but look!" Jasper said, shoving three different buckets up close to her face, "There's a cow print one, there's one from a cheese factory and there's one completely made of cheese!"

Yleana rolled her eyes and pushed the buckets away from her.

"I gotta go, Jasper," Yleana lied, "See you around."

"Where do you have to go?" Jasper asked, frowning.

"Umm... theeeee..." Yleana searched her brain for an excuse, "cheese factory?"

"I wanna go too!"

"Sorry, they don't allow people with cheese buckets inside."

"That doesn't make sense, it's-"

"I don't know, gotta go though, byeeeeeee."

Yleana adjusted her backpack on her shoulders and quickly hurried away from Jasper over to her two other best friends, Charlotte Paige and Henry Hart.

"Jasper trying to show you his bucket collection again?" Charlotte, her dark skinned, dark haired, and brown eyed girl best friend asked.

"Yup," Yleana sighed, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, you're not alone in his torture," Charlotte said, "He cornered me this morning and tried showing me his multi colored bucket that he found while he was scavenging in the dump."

Henry let out a snort of laughter and the two girls turned their heads to glare at him. His smile dropped as he looked at them with an unknowing expression.

"What?" he asked.

Charlotte and Yleana just shook their heads at him and started to walk down the hallway to class.

"Hey! Don't walk away from me like that!" Henry said as he followed them to class.

The girls ignored Henry's continuous begging of wanting to know why they were glaring at him the whole way to class. Finally, when they entered the classroom, they stopped walking so abruptly that Henry almost knocked right into them. They turned to look at him and sighed.

"Never laugh at a girl, Henry," Yleana scolded.

"It was funny though, I had to lau-" Henry began but Yleana broke him off by covering his mouth with her hand.

"Just don't speak," Charlotte said, "You'll get yourself into more trouble."

Yleana nodded in agreement and the two girls went to take their seats. They sat at the front of class, Charlotte to the left of Yleana. Henry took his seat behind Yleana and Jasper came running into the room right as the bell rang and took his seat behind Charlotte.

Their teacher, Miss Shapen, walked into the classroom adn went up to her desk, glaring randomly at students as she went. She got to her desk and slammed her hands to it dramatically as she scanned over the students. She was the weirdest teacher they had ever had. She had blonde hair and librarian glasses. She slouched horribly and had a hump on her back. After a couple minutes in complete silence, Charlotte got annoyed and raised her hand to ask Miss Shapen a question.

"Yeeees?" Miss Shapen asked annoyingly.

"I was only wondering:" Charlotte said, "what are we doing for class today?"

Miss Shapen let out a very loud groan of exasperation causing Yleana and Charlotte to exchange weirdly confused expressions.

"Do you haaaave to ask questions, Charlotte?" Miss Shapen asked, "Why can't you just sit in silence and be okay with not doing work like the rest of the kids?"

Charlotte made a half offended half weirded out look and folded her arms in annoyance.

"Anyways," Miss Shapen said as though continuing to actually teach the class, "Since Charlotte brought up what we're supposed to be doing, you guys all have to take a test. Pencils out! Henry come hand out the tests!"

Henry sighed then got out of his seat and took the stack of papers from Miss Shapen's hands and began to pass them out to everyone. He finished and took his seat again. The questions on the test were fairly easy but some were quite confusing. Henry reached over to his backpack on the ground to search for a pencil but he couldn't find one. He leaned over to his desk so he could whisper to Yleana.

"Hey," Henry said. She ignored him, "Hey!" he whisper shouted this time.

"What?" Yleana whispered back.

"Can I borrow a pencil?"

His whisper was so loud, the whole class could hear him. The heads of the students turned to look at him and Miss Shapen threw him a dirty look. Yleana sighed and tossed an extra pencil backwards over her shoulder which landed on Henry's desk.

"Thanks," Henry said.

"Shhhh!" the class chorused.

Henry put his hands up in surrender then got straight to the test. When the class was finally over and everyone had finished their tests, they piled out of the classroom, hurrying to go home. Yleana walked out to the bike rack with Henry, Charlotte and Jasper so they could grab their bikes.

"Hey, do you guys want to come over?" Yleana asked as she pulled her maroon bike out of the rack, "My Dad just bought this new video game and it's awesome!"

"Totally!" Jasper answered.

The two turned to look at Henry and Charlotte for an answer from them.

"Oh um, sorry, but I have work," Henry said, frowning.

"Yeah me too," Charlotte said.

"Okay, fine," Yleana said, "But Henry, you're still coming later tonight to babysit my siblings, right?"

Henry opened his mouth to answer but Jasper talked before he could.

"Why can't you babysit them? Or your older brother?"

"Because Henry's sister invited me to sleepover and my brother has a friend's party to attend."

"Ohh," Jasper said.

"Yeah. So Henry you'll still be there, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Henry said, nodding, "Well, gotta go. See you guys around."

"Bye guys," Charlotte added and the two took their bikes and rode off to their work at the shop Junk 'N' Stuff.

Yleana and Jasper watched as they biked out of sight. Yleana's eyebrows moved closer together as she stood in thought.

"So over to your house to play the video game?" Jasper asked excitedly.

"Hold on," Yleana said, still staring where Henry and Charlotte had just been, "We're going to follow them."


"Don't you think it's odd that they go to work seven days a week to a junk store where they work at least three hours each day and sometimes have to leave to work randomly during the day?" Yleana asked as she climbed onto her bike.

"I guess so."

"Get on your bike and let's go. Why didn't I realize this before?"

So the two were off, silently following their two best friends to the junk store where they worked.

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