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Jordan's POV

I hop into the shower and get ready to go out. I leave and go to what I call the "slaughter house." I call it that cause that's where I kill. I walk in and see Jamal tied up on a chair sleep.

I see all of my "tools" on a table that I'm going to use to terrorize him.

Electric bolts

I walk over to him and smack his face. He wakes up.

"Good morning sunshine" I say laughing

He looks around

"Oh, bad news I killed all of your people so if any of them related to you sorry for your lost."

He looks at me

"Okay so we're going to jump right into it, I'm not going to sugar code anything. I'm going to beat you and terrorize you until you die. But I might get bored after a while and just kill you but who knows."

One of my guys starts laughing.

I look at Jamal

"Aye, why you so quiet? You had a lot to say earlier. You know when you were talking about selling my daughter out?"

I chuckle

"You are a funny man" I say taking my ring off

"My wife bought that it's cost 40,000 dollars I don't think she'd be happy if I have blood in it. You know happy wife happy life."

He begins to cry

"Now I know you ain't about to cry" I say laughing

I shake my head

"That's crazy"

I take off my shirt

"This a new shirt also don't wanna mess that up."

I grab my gun and shoot him in the leg

He screams in pain

"That's for the oldest daughter she was shot earlier in her leg in the same spot by one of your men."

He starts to breathe heavily.

"Oh no I think it was the other leg" I say shooting him in the other leg

He screams in pain again

"Damn my bad I was right the first time," I say laughing

I grab my bat

"You know you broke my wife's heart earlier," I say hitting him in the chest with it.

He starts to cough.

" I don't think you felt her pain" I say hitting him again

This time he coughs blood.

I push him down putting a cloth over his face. I grab the gas and start pouring it onto him for about 30 seconds then stop.

He coughs even harder

I bring him back up

I hit his knees with that hammers, I grab the electric bolts and electrocute him, I grab the knife and start cutting him up, I beat his face in with my fist.

"And all of that was for kidnapping my daughter and trying to rape her you perverted fucking bastard"

I kick him back down I grab the gas and start pouring it all over him.

I grab a match and light him on fire.

I listen to his screams.

I walk to the sink and wash my hands and stuff off.

"Let him burn to death, than let him burn a little after that. Wait about 5 minutes and than let it out." 

I put on my ring and my shirt.

I stare at him for a minute feeling good about what I done than walk away.

I go home. I walk into a dark and silent house.

I go and check on all of the kids and notice that Javion isn't in his crib. I walk to my room and see Kierra rocking him to sleep.

Kierra's POV

I see him standing at the door but I don't make eye contact with him.


I don't respond to him.

I get up and take Javion to his room and lay him down in his crib. I walk back to the bedroom to notice Jordan is following me the whole time.

I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands.

He wrap his arms around and tries to kiss me but I move away.

"Did I do something wrong?"

I look at him through the mirror trying to figure out if that's what he really asked me.

"What did I do?"


"So why you acting like that."

"Because I don't want you to touch me"


"Jordan leave me alone"

"No, I already told you it wasn't your fault, I just thought you could've did things differently."

I turn to him

"I already told you why I didn't shoot the back of the van and why I didn't shoot the tires enlighten me on what you would've done differently."

" I don't know I wasn't there"

"Jordan stop talking to me because you sound dumb as fuck and I'm about to punch the fuck out of you."

"Now why you gotta talk to me like that? I ain't doing nothing but tryna figure out what's wrong with you"

"You wanna know what's wrong with me? While you were sitting down stairs thinking of way to piss me off I was up here taking care of our children. One just came home from being kidnapped, almost got rapped, Now she's jumpy doesn't want the door closed probably isn't going to feel comfortable by herself anymore and I had to sit there and say everything was okay but deep down inside I don't know if it ever will be. We have a 7-year-old who is paranoid and that I've had to calm down FOUR TIMES today. A 4-month-old who doesn't know what's going on that I still had to feed, change, and rock to sleep while all of this is going on. Our eldest daughter got shot in her leg I still hear her screaming from pain, she probably won't be able to walk for a few weeks. I had to bathe, get them dressed and put every one of them in their rooms I sat there until they slept Jordan and let's not forget before all of that I cleaned up the bathroom from Khloe's blood. I KNOW IT'S MY FAULT JORDAN YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME. IM SORRY IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT HERE!!?"

I feel the tears roll down my face.

Javion starts crying.

I close my eyes.

"We need a break- I need a break, I can't do this anymore, I'm Tired."

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