The Set Up

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Kamryn POV

We're back at home and already planning our plot to take down Khloe and her Crew.

"Khloe is smart, but we gotta be smarter. She's going to have people around watching, we're going to have people watching her people, she's quick we gotta be quicker."

"This is crazy, they have more guns and everything else than we have they gone be more than prepared than we are." one of crew members say

"Exactly, that means no second chances so don't fuck up the first time. Think about it of we do this we got everything. Just be smart."

We set out our plans and our spots.

I go home and freshen up. Brooklyn was with her God and Brian wasn't anywhere to be found so I was home alone. I made myself some food and chilled on the couch.

As I started to fall asleep, I hear Brian come in the door and of course he's drunk. He goes to the kitchen and notices there isn't any food for him.

"Where the food at!?"

"You was out why didn't you stop and get you any?"

"Because I expect you to have some damn food ready"

"Well, there isn't any so either make you some or order some."

"Or you can get your ass up and cook me some food!"

I ignore him.

He walks over blocking the tv

"Brian you are grown enough to make yourself some food."

"No, you make it!"

"I'm not your momma"

"You do whatever the fuck I tell you too."

I breathe

"Brian your drunk get out my face."

He grabs me by my arm pulling me off the couch. I snatch away.

"Brian I done told you about putting your hands on me"

He pushes me against the wall and begins to chock me. I try to loosen up his hands. I feel myself losing my breath. He let's go causing me to fall on the ground gasping for air while holding my neck.

"I'm sorry man look I just wanted some food"

It's everything in me not to grab my gun and kill this nigga right here.

"Look imma go get yourself cleaned up just have some food for me when I get back," he says walking out the door.

I sit there for a while and finally do what he says. When I finish I leave for hours to get myself together. I would never let another put his hands on me so why do I Brian do it.

Khloe's POV

It's almost the end of the week and time for the connection exchange with Kamryn. Something deep down inside is telling me not to trust this bitch. So I ask Asia and the crew to come for extra people. She agrees, so I call for a last-minute meeting.

"So what you need us to do?" Asia asks

"I need y'all to watch us" I say

"What you mean?"

" I need y'all to stand off far in the distance where I can't see you but you can see me. We'll have something to stay in touch with. Something is telling me this bitch trying to set us up."

"Why you think that?"

"She mentioned she they don't have a lot of supplies and it's only a few of them left. It would only make sense the bitch steal everything from me at once."

"Alright whatever you say"

"So do you still want us to pack everything up?" Ivory asks

"Yes, we gotta play along of course. We just gotta be prepared for anything." I say

I get in contact with her and tell her where to meet us tomorrow. After packing everything up We go to the location I requested and walk through everything.

Asia and her crew go in their positions.

"Can you see me?" I ask

"Yea I can see you, you see me?"

I look around


"Good, look all the way up and slightly to your left."

I do as she says and automatically see her

"Wow okay, yea she not gone see you"

"Aye, you trynna come over later?" she asks

"Bye Asia"

She laughs

I hang up.

It's the next day and we stand in our spots waiting for them to come.

I have my AirPods in so I can here Asia.

"They're pulling up" she says

"Anything weird?"

"No, Wait it's more than one car and one of them just stopped, while the other kept going. "

"What the other people doing?"

"They getting out and spreading out...She knows you have people watching around she set them up to watch them."

"It's cool she doesn't know about y'all so just watch them and me and we cool. But if they start pulling out shit blow em off no hesitation." I say

Kamryn pulls up and gets out with 4 duffle bags with some of her crew.

I look at her.

She walks up.

"You got what I asked for?" She asks

"Yea you got the money?"

She sits the bags in front of me.

I signal Ivory to walk to the bags.

"Khloe they starting to move in," Asia says

"Ivory stop!" I yell

Everybody pulls out their guns.

"You must be one dumb bitch to try and set me up."

"I stopped trying to set you up a long time ago, I knew you would find out."

She slowly lowers her gun.

"Everybody lower your guns"

They do as she says.

She walks towards me slowly as I keep the gun pointed at her.

She hands me a letter.

I put my gun away and read the letter.

I was shocked by what I read.

"You are my sister?" I asked


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