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Khloe's POV

I lay there with my eyes closed wondering why I can't get up. I feel my body in horrible pain. As I open my eyes and I feel around. The ground was cold with a wet substance. I look at my hands and see I was laying in a puddle of blood.

I sat up a little and saw It was my blood. I looked around and saw my whole team gunned down including Asia and her team.

It was silent until I heard coughing and moaning. I looked and saw Ivory moving around slightly.

I dragged myself to her. She started to cough up blood.

"Ivory?" I groan softly

"How are we still alive?" she coughs

"I don't know, but I don't think we're going to be for long."

I grab her hand

She holds on tightly

"We dying together?" she asks

"I guess we don't have a choice"

We squeeze each other hands until we finally let go.

I wake up to a knock on my room door.

I have a huge headache from crying all night.

I hear the knock again.

"Okay okay, I'm coming," I say getting up and walking to the door.

I look through the peek hole and see that it's Ivory.

I open the door.

She walks in.

I close the door.

She sits on my bed.

I look at her

"You ready?"

"To get home yes, telling his parents no."

"I can't believe he's actually gone."

"Me neither."

"How are you holding up?"

"It's going to take me a minute, but Imma try to hang in there."

"So who gone be your new right-hand man?"

"I don't know I haven't thought about it yet."

" well take your time, but we have to get ready to go the plane will be here in few hours," she says getting up

I nod

"I'll be back in an hour" she says leaving

I grab some pills headaches and take at least four of them. I walk to the bathroom and get undressed. I take a warm shower. I then get dressed and start packing my stuff up.

Ivory comes back and we leave the hotel going to the jet and loading up. It was quite the whole flight back home. When we got off we went directly to our secret warehouse and unloaded the money and Kavion putting him in a freezer.

We laid him on the table.

While my crew stayed with Asia and her crew to count and split the money, and product. Me and Ivory went to Kavions parent's house to tell them the news.

I hesitantly knocked on the door. It took a minute before someone came to the door and answered. It was his mom.

She looks at me and could tell something was wrong. She let me and Ivory in. My heart sunk as his father and siblings joined in the room.


"Just tell us" she says

"The project took a wrong turn and Kavion didn't make it. I'm sorry"

His siblings started to cry along with his mother. His father held her I could tell he wanted to cry to.

"He's at the warehouse if you guys wanna come and view his body."

"Thank you" his dad says

I nod

Me and ivory walkout. I head to my house to see my family while ivory goes to check on her mom.

I walk into the house.

My mom walks around the corner

"Kylie you -"

She stops and stares at me

We stand there looking at each other until we finally walk to each other and give a tight emotional hug.

I start to cry

"He's dead"


"Kavion, they kilt him in front of me" I cry

"I'm so sorry," she says hugging me.

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