thirty six

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In the dark drawing room of Malfoy Manor sat silently two dozen figures at a large ornate table, the scene only being illuminated by a flickering light from the fireplace nearby. Severus Snape enters the room, his eyes immediately darting to the floating body of an unconscious woman, as if being suspended by an invisible rope.

Lux sat silently, being as stiff as a rock while staring blankly at the empty space in the table, trying to hide that she was quivering in fear deep inside. The woman floating just near them was her Muggle Studies professor, Charity Burbage. During her fourth year Lux had decided to take the subject as an elective, and found it extremely fascinating.

Professor Burbage was known to be a teacher with a soft yet effective approach in teaching, Lux recalled her classroom being filled with several muggle toys and instruments, one that she had fun fiddling with. Muggle Studdies class was the only time when she could escape the common despise of her friends for muggles, as she was not taught to hate them.

Now, her teacher was floating about, and is sure to be killed by Lord Voldemort because of her ideology that wizards and witches should be equal with muggles. It was also her published article in the Daily Prophet about her thoughts on the Second Wizarding war that brought her to her end.

The Malfoy family sitting beside her were as silent. Sat next to Narcissa Malfoy was her aunt Liliana, followed by Bellatrix Lestrange. Upon their return to the headquarters, of course the Dark Lord had punished both Draco and Lux for not being able to kill Dumbledore by themselves. He performed the cruciatus curse on them as often as he liked, both teenagers were helpless.

During that time, Lux's eyes were on her aunt that was always there to save her whenever she was being tormented by the other Death Eaters. But now there was one thing that she had discovered about her aunt.

The lovely, caring, kind and gentle aunt that took care of her and her sisters way back when they were little children was now gone. Azkaban had changed her, and Lux suggests that she's almost as crazy as Bellatrix Lestrange, and was now as brutal.

The news of her parents being kidnapped, tortured and imprisoned at Malfoy Manor for months were just revealed to her by Narcissa, and all she could do that day was cry, and blame herself for everything. She wanted to get angry, of course, but the fact that they could do that means that they could do it again, worse if she lashes out. After all, what can she and her best friend do against a bunch of adults who were experts in the Dark Arts.

And knowing Draco, he would not defy his parents for other people, not even his own best friend's family, and considering that they were all on Harry Potter's side.

"You bring news, I trust, Severus?" Voldemort smiles, his eyes shifting to Snape who was watching Nagini as she slopes slowly over the feet of those present at the table.

"It will happen Saturday next. At nightfall" he answered, shifting in his seat to face the Dark Lord properly.

"Where will he be taken? The boy?"

"To a safehouse. Likely the home of someone in the Order." with the mention of her family's side in this war, eyes were laid on Lux, though she did a great job ignoring their stares by simply avoiding them.

"I'm told it's been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack him." Snape continued. Lux finally flinched in her seat, though still unnoticed. She wanted to shout at him for exposing the Order's plans, putting her family in danger, but she wasn't exactly the right person who should be mad at a betrayal as she had done it herself.

An excusing throat clearing was heard. "My Lord. I'd like to volunteer myself for this task. I want to kill the boy." Bellatrix Lestrange leaned on the table, but was startled when Voldemort shouted at Peter Pettigrew. Lux had heard a strange noise from her Professor who seemed to regain consciousness.

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