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"Amelia dear, perhaps we should calm down. You should calm down." Aurelius finally spoke and uncrossed his arms.

His wife looked at him, undecided whether or not to calm down as he said.

In the end, she sat down next to her daughter. "Aurelia, I'm not mad at you for giving your heart to someone. I'm disappointed because you didn't give your trust to me, to us" her voice softened, sincerity being clear in her intentions.

"I'm sorry for that. Mother, father. To you sisters too, i'm sorry for not telling you." she explained.

"It's alright now Aurelia. And besides, I approve of him." Aurelius shocked his family with his words.
He was usually strict. And especially this matter was about boys.

But he seemed to understand that his daughters are now grown up. Aurelia looked at him with widened eyes.

" Why not? He's good at quidditch."
Aurelius chuckled.

They all laughed at his remarks. He really loves quidditch that much.


Elethea's P.O.V

After arriving at Hogwarts, I expect the worst after the events that happened these past few years here, and what more now that Death Eaters have reappeared.

But enough about that, I'm just grateful at this point that it's normal. I skip through the halls and saw majority of the students looking at something outside the windows.

I squeeze in with them to see what's going on. My mouth opened as I saw two different vessels approaching the school.

One was a flying horse driven carriage, just like the one we have at home. But this, this one was not just that, it was driven by Abraxan winged horses, larger than the Thestrals that drive ours. And the carriage, it was just brilliant. It's probably the fanciest one i've ever seen.

The other vessel is a large, large ship that just rose from under water. It had large sails and a majestic design on it's body. I wonder who is being carried by those fancy things.

After the commotion, the students seem to be leaving one by one since the vessels had disappeared from our view. I was just about to leave too and head to the dormitories just when someone put their arm around my shoulder.

"Hi Ellie" a voice greeted me, and I immediately looked up at the tall figure and smiled. "What's up Ced" I greeted back to Cedric Diggory, my bestest friend.

We've been best friends since I first got here. After the sorting ceremony, I sat next to him at the Hufflepuff table and we eventually got along.

Our friendship seemed to grow stronger after we both made the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. I'm thankful for his presence since I've only been around girls for a majority of my life. And besides, who wouldn't want to be friends with Cedric Diggory?

You do. You want to be more than friends.

Was that.. my bloody subconscious? Even if it was. It's right. Unfortunately, no one could just be best friends with him.

I glance at him while walking. I mean, look at him, he's kind, talented, friendly, and handsome. Why am I talking like some girl who's crazy for him? I'm his best friend. But just his best friend.

"Elle? Why are you looking at me like that" Cedric's voice brought me to realization. I had stopped walking and was just staring at him!

"Erm.. you got dirt- on your face. I had to stare at it for a good second to make sure it was dirt." Wow, what a good excuse.

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