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Cheese Sandwich X Pinkie Pie: Submitted by JurneyODonnell
Pinkie sat at her arts and crafts desk. Glitter, tape, glue and stickers crowded the whole table next to a book full of colorful paper. "Carefully..." Pinkie said to herself. "Caaaaarefully..." she placed a picture on top of a taped piece of pink construction paper. "It's beautiful!" She squealed admiring her work. Taking in the view of her completed scrapbook, she started from the beginning. The first page was a picture of when she first saw Cheese Sandwich. His sombrero covered his face and his poncho concealed his entire body except for his long legs.
The next page was him singing. Pinkie wasn't entirely sure if he planned this song or not, but it sure was catchy.
She continued to look trough the memories of Cheese's visit. Him wearing a hard hat, Pinkie declaring the goof off, the actual goof off, Rainbow's party and a picture of Boneless. The pink party pony giggled at every page remembering each silly moment.
The giggles eventually became full out laughter as she turned to the next page; the last page. She opened her ready eyes for laughing and her smile disappeared. One the last page was a picture of him and Pinkie. His hoof was around her. The picture was taken mid laugh; her eyes were closed and her mouth was open in a wide smile. Cheese was laughing too, but his eyes were open and looking at the pinkness next to him.
Pinkie held back a sob as she turned looked to the very last picture. Walking off into the setting sun with Boneless 2 on his back, was Cheese Sandwich. His back was turned to the camera as if saying Goodbye forever Ponyville. Forever? Forever is a long time. Pinkie's hair flattened. Silence hung thick in the air as the depressed pony made her way to her closet with her scrapbook in her mouth. She tossed it in the back of the small compartment and slammed the door, never wanting to look at those memories again.
"Pinkie," Twilight knocked at the door. It's been weeks since the pony came out of her room. Her friends would put food at her door and Pinkie would wait until they left to open the door and take the food. When she was done, she would slide the plate under the door and go back to sobbing on her bed.
Twi knocked again. "Come on Pinkie, we're all really worried."
The voices of all her friends muttered in agreement. Pinkie could barely make out what they all said trough her depression and the thick door.
"Come on Twilight. Can't you use your fancy alicorn magic to open the door?" The scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash asked.
Pinkie could picture the purple mare shaking her head. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I've tried already. I'm not sure why it's not working."
A refined voice spoke after Twilight finished. "Dears, why don't you try to use one of my bobby pins?" Rarity offered.
Fluttershy gasped. "But Rarity! Your mane!"
Rarity laughed. "Dear Fluttershy. I have extras of corse!" She used her magic to try to pick the lock. "Wait a minuet..." The unicorn looked closer at the doorknob. "This door doesn't even have a lock!"
Applejack facehoofed. "So y'all are tellin' me the door was unlocked this whole time?" She tried to open the door but the knob wouldn't turn. "What in tarnation..."
Rainbow sighed. "Only Pinkie Pie."
"Just go away!" Pinkie sobbed trough her mattress. "I don't want to see anypony! Just... Just Cheese. I MISS CHEESE SANDWICH!" She confessed with an outburst of salty tears.
"Did somepony say my name?" A voice asked. The five ponies on the outside of the door gasped. Hoof steps echoed in the silence as the stallion made his way towards Applejack, whose hoof was still resting on the door knob. "May I?"
She parted away and let him slowly turn the knob and open the door. Rainbow Dash looked confused. "How did...?" Rarity shushed her and gazed back towards the odd pony.
The pony walked up to the weeping pink blob. "Pinkie-" he tried to manage to speak, but the other five ponies looked at him wide eyed. "Do you mind?" He asked with some annoyance in his voice.
Everypony let out a squee and made excuses to leave. "Ah have to uh, water mah apples." AJ galloped away.
"I have to water my garden." Fluttershy gave another squee and left.
"My dresses need to be... Watered." Rarity looked confused from her own excuse.
Twilight sheepishly smiled. "I should really fill Spike's water dish." (A/N- Equestria Girls canine foreshadowing)
"My clouds need to be watered." Rainbow dashed away. The two ponies left didn't know why everypony had to water everything, but they continued their business.
"Pinkie Pie..." Cheese Sandwich hugged her.
"Cheese?" She hugged back. Her hair got a little more poofy, but not too much. "Cheese..."
The hug broke and tears were in both the ponies's eyes. "I'm so sorry I didn't come back for so long. There were so many ponies that needed parties."
Pinkie choked up. "B-but I needed you Cheese. You've been gone for a whole season! And a movie!" She couldn't help addressing the fourth wall, bad habit. Pinkie hated how selfish she sounded wanting to keep the joy spreading pony to make others smile.
"I know Pinkie. Well, not the whole season and movie thing, but I know." He hugged her again. The warmth of Pinkie's pink fur and softness of her mane made a plan come into Cheese's mind. "Pinkie," he smiled. "I think I have an idea."
Pinkie's mane added some fluff as she sniffled. "What?"
Cheese got the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Weeeeell... You know how I have a Boneless 2?"
Pinkie slowly nodded and gasped. "Wait, Cheese, are you telling me-"
"That I have a Cheese Sandwich 2?"
"Y-you do?"
"Yup. Used for emergencies." He opened up his saddle bag and pulled out a small package. Placing it on the floor, he pulled a string. The package blew up into a life sized balloon Cheese, or Cheese 2. "That's not the best part!" Real Cheese laughed.
He found another string and pulled. His voice came from the balloon. "I'm the super duper party pony!"
Pinkie frowned. "I thought I was the super duper party pony." She mumbled.
Cheese sat his flank next to her and put a hoof around her. "You are."
Pinkie giggled and kissed his cheek. He turned as pink as Pinkie Pie. "And I thought I was the pink one!"
Cheese smiled. "You are." He looked out the window towards the setting sun. "Come on, let's give Cheese 2 the proper send off."
The ponies took the balloon outside and walked it to a path. "You shall continue my parties along this path." Real Cheese announced to Cheese 2. "Follow along the path of parties with Boneless 2." He laid the rubber chicken on his replacement. "May Celestia watch over you both."
He joined Pinkie Pie and watched the balloon float off into the sunset, carrying on the tradition of party throwing. "I'm happy you're here." Pinkie whispered in his ear."
"Glad to be here."
Pinkie looked straight at the fourth wall and asked, "Aren't you glad we're together?"
A/N- Ship ship shippty ship!!!!!! A pretty good ship. Ain't the worst shippty ship. Heh... Ship... Anyway, next it'll be Flashlight. Hopefully this story will be a.... BRIGHT IDEA!!!!!!!!! Get it? Flashlight?! Bright?! Ship?! It's funny!!!! HA!!!!!!

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