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Smiley and I walked back into my dark room, before I finally turned the light on. My room lit up like a Christmas tree, no really, I have Christmas lights covering my ceiling. Sam and I figured out, from YouTube, how to get them to come on when I flip the switch. Just thinking about Sam again brings tears to my eyes.

"Your room is so cool! Oh my god! I want your room!" He yells. The walls were a dark, dark blue, I've always loved the stars, that's what the lights are. All of the walls were covered in band posters, except one. That wall was special. It was white with the dark blue paint splattered on it. Sam and I got in a paint war painting my room, the old walls were white. The only thing on that wall were two big S's that lit up like the lights on my ceiling. If you hadn't figured out it stood for Skyler and Sam.

"Thanks." I answer finally saying something to his previous response.

"They're like stars!" He shouts pointing at them while looking at me and smiling.

"Yeah, I like the stars." I answer.

"Does your last name start with an S?" He asks looking at the one odd wall in my dark room.

"Oh no it's Jackson." I answer.

"Is the other S for Stella?" He asks.

"Nope, for Sam."

"Sam? Is he your boyfriend?" I laugh at his question earning a weird look, even though at one time in my life, yes I did have a crush on Sam but it wasn't anything big.

"No, no. He was my best friend." I answer getting sadder just talking about my best friend.


"No, he still is, its just more complicated now." I answer sitting in my bed.

"What do you mean?" He asks furrowing his eyebrow and walking to sit next to me.

"H-he uh, doesn't live here any more?" I say, or more like question.

"He moved?" He asks.

"No, not quite." I say look ahead as my eyes begin to fill with the salty liquid people call tears.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter."

"It obviously does, I mean your almost crying what did he do to you?" He asks getting mad for no particular reason.

"He didn't do anything." I state.

"Then what's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say and I'm finally able to get the water liquid to clear my eyes. "See I'm fine." I state looking at him. He just sighs looking ahead.

"Is-is he okay?" He asks head stanly after a while.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When he moved was he okay?" He ask.

"I-I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back in a minute." I stutter rushing out of my room into the bathroom shutting the door before I break down. As soon as the door was shut I broke down, sliding down the door. I just miss him so much. He left so suddenly. This is the first time in about a month I have broken down.

I sat silently crying for a few minutes before I finally collected myself. I stood up and fixed my makeup and hair, flushing the toilet to make it seem like I actually did use the bathroom before stepping out. As soon as I stepped out, I hit a hard chest, quickly being pulled into a warm hug.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine?" I question pretending I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Stop acting like you weren't just crying in there." He states sighing.

"W-what?" I question.

"Stop acting lik-" I cut him off still being smushed against his warm, hard chest.

"I heard you the first time." I state. I pull away looking up at him before walking around him to my room him following silently behind me.

"I'm hungry are you?" I ask changing the subject.

"Um yeah, pizza?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer, and call the pizza place, placing our order before waiting for it to come.

"Weird question, but why do you have a baby monitor in you room?" He asks looking at the two baby monitors that were set up on one of my shelves.

"Oh, one is connected to another one downstairs in front of the front door, because of someone knocks for me, or just knocks in general I have to see who it is or my step sister either won't let them in, won't get the door, or will eat the food, if I order food. And the other one goes to my sister's room. She uh has really bad nightmares and I have to wake her up a lot." I answer.

"Oh. Ally seems like a bïtch, no offense."

"Why would I take offense?! It's just the truth!" I shout.

We both chuckle a little bit before we heard a light knock through the baby monitor. I bolt up out of my seat, rushing down the steps hoping to get there before Ally. Luckily I did, with Kian following quickly behind me.

"You have to do that every time you get food, or have someone over?" He asks as he stands behind me and pulls out a 5$ bill to pay for the pizza. Which I grab from mid air, and hand the man my money before shutting the door.

--Hi! So I updated!!! People in my last chapter were wanting an update, so I figured I would surprise you, and give you guys one! I'm super sorry for not updating! The commenting really motivated me to update again!! xx Emi

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