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(AN: Not edited.)

Smiley kept coming to the library every day since my panic attack. It was as if we had never talked. He hadn't come up to the counter since that day, and it's been two weeks. It was odd.

Although he never came over to the counter I had been getting numerous texts from a number that was saved in my phone, but there was no name, it was saved as ':)'.

The only person who had gotten my number recently was Smiley, so I'm guessing it's him. Also the smiley face kinda gave it away.

The texts were good night text, and good morning text, some asking how my day was, I just deleted them.

"Hey." Kian said surprising me.

I didn't answer, I didn't need to, it's not like I new this guy, the only thing I new about him was that he smiles a lot, and he like Curious George better than Clifford.

"Did you get my texts, or is my phone not working?" He asks.

I look up at him blankly before answering, "Does it matter, it's not like we could be friends or anything."

"Why not?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Because I don't do friends."

"So you don't do dates, you don't do friends, and you don't do smiles. What do you do?"

"Not you." I answer smiling sarcastically at my own joke. He fake laughs.

"Real funny. Now be serious, what do you do?"

"I don't do anything." I answer not lying.

"You must have had a friends, or a boyfriend, someone you tell your deepest darkest secret to. So why can't you do that with me?" He asks.

"Well first off, yes I have had a friend," I say emphasizing a, "and secondly I don't know you." I say before I turn around trying to distract myself from the annoying smiley boy behind me.

"I bet you didn't know the girl you became friends with before you were friends." He says.

"He wasn't a girl." I shoot back.

"Oh so he is now."

"No! He is still very much a dude!" I shout back, once again earning people's odd stares.

"Ok then, sorry if I offered you. I'm just confused. Why can't we at least try to be friends?" He asks.


"Because why?"

"I have work to do, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go shove books on some shelves." I snap back before stomping off towards the shelf I need, with the rack being dragged slowly behind me. I could hear his footsteps behind me as I stomped my way over to the shelf.

When I got to the, I stomped in between the shelves so I could begin putting books in the assigned slots.

"Wow you could got to Americas Got Talent for your stomping skills." he says while clapping his hands and laugh. Dïck.

"Haha. Very funny." I mock.

"Oh it is, funny I mean." He says before walking into the open space between the shelves with me. He went to lean up against one of the shelves, causing the shelf to wobble, and almost fall, it would have it I wouldn't have pulled the idiots arm to get him to stop leaning. This cause him to collide with my chest, so we were chest to chest, breathing heavy, at least mine was from panicking over the shelf almost falling.

"Oops, sorry." He says still looking down at me, and smiling.

"Oh my god! You almost tipped the shelf! Your such an idiot! If I wasn't here I bet that shelf-" He cut my angry rant off.

"Has anyone ever told you your beautiful?" He asked staring into my dull brown eyes.

"What?" I stutter out after a moment of comprehending what he said.

"Your beautiful."

-EEEEEP!!!! OMG! Haha this chapter sucked but oh well.


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