𝐦. 𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 » 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝

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the seven year old girl with (h/c) locks and (s/c) skin was seen rushing towards her best friends. tears were streaming down her cheeks and her breath was unstable.

" s-samu ! tsumu ! " she called out to them.

the identical twins looked at her. both were a worried for the little girl.

" (y/n) !! why'd you run ?! " the older one asked whilst the younger helped the poor girl breathe properly.

" i-i'm . . huf. . " the girl was trying her best to explain her situation, yet she couldn't form a sentence.

" (y/n) breathe " osamu suggested.

after a few moments, (y/n)'s breathing had calmed down. there was silence in the air. the twins were waiting for the girl to tell them the news she had desperately wanted to inform them.

". . i'm moving away. ." she whispered softly.

silence was in the air. both boys were in a state of shock, still trying to comprehend the information that they just heard.

". . what . ? " osamu mumbled, he didn't want the (h/c) haired girl to leave him yet.

"i'm moving to miyagi in a few days. ." the young female said looking down, trying her best not to burst out to tears.

atsumu didn't know how to feel. he was sad that his best friend would have to move and leave him but he didn't want to force her to stay either.

meanwhile, osamu's face held an indescribable expression. it had a mix of despair, disappointment, and frustration. his fists were clenched and his teeth were gritted.

you see, the younger miya had developed a crush on the girl with (e/c) orbs. he didn't want her to leave him so fast. yet there was nothing he could do to stop her from moving away.

a few days afterwards - timeskip

the (l/n)s were ready to move. every last item were packed and was in the moving truck. their home was now nothing but an empty building.

the youngest (l/n) looked around what used to be her room. all her little decorations were gone. it looked so bland and lifeless now.

the girl exited her house and was about to enter her family's car when someone called her name. she turned around only to be met with a panting osamu.

" samu ? what are you- " before she could finish, she was cut off by osamu hugging her tightly as her eyes widened in surprise.

" (y/n) i'll wait for you ! come back soon please. when you come back i-i'll marry you ! " the young miya said as he sobbed.

" h-huh ?! samu what are you saying ?! " the girl said in utter shock.

" i'm saying i love you ! so don't marry anyone else while you're away okay ?! " the boy said as he slowly let go of the girl.

" samu i-. . " (y/n) didn't know what to respond. she had liked osamu back but what was she supposed to do now ?

" please (y/n) ! promise you won't marry or fall in love with anyone else !! " osamu pleaded.

" i . . promise " (y/n) finally responded.

that was the last time those two had seen eachother. (y/n) had left hyōgo and moved to miyagi. it's been almost ten years since that day. both were now 17 year olds in highschool.

(y/n) never forgot about the the boy and she kept her promise. she never cared about any other boys and had always rejected any confessions.

after all those years, the (l/n)s had finally decided to move back to hyōgo. (y/n) was told to attend a school called inarizaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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