Chapter nine: Get Alejandro

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Heather screamed at the top of her lungs realizing what was happening. She was having a miscarriage. That explained the pains earlier. She heard footsteps and she heard a voice he never thought she'd be grateful to hear.

"Heather, is that you in there? Or is it cody wody"!

She practically screamed in relief

"Sierra it's me heather" she said in a shaky voice filled with tears.

"Oh hi heather whats wrong? You sound like you were crying"?

 All Heather wanted to do was bury her head in a pillow and scream.

"I think i'm having a miscarrige there's blood sierra a lot of blood"!

Sierra opened the door only to see Heather on the toilet sobbing her eyes out. Sierra hugged heather

"shush it'll be ok I promise we can go find you a doctor ok? I'll send Cody kins to tell Chris".

Heather nodded reluctantly not having another option. She sat there for what seemed like hours sobbing into Sierras shirt or even talking to cody who was also there. She envied the rest of the contestants who were partying on the other end of the plane probably getting drunk.

Having no idea what was happening with Heather. Then the loudspeaker came on of course it was none other than chris

"attention competitors we are stopping at some doctors office for some private reason someone told me ok"!

Leave it to Chris to stir up more drama. Heather felt worse pain than the last causing her to double over once again.

"Is there anything we can do?" Sierra asked.

Heather thought carefully for a minute before responding

"get Alejandro"

she said in a quiet soft voice so only Sierra could hear her. WIthout having a second thought Sierra nodded and dashed out of there to find Heather's prince charming. However subtly was not one of Sierra's traits...

"psst Alejandro"

she said so loud China could probably hear her. He turned around as did Courtnay, Duncan, and Blaineley


"You need to come with me, it's really important".

If the last thing Sierra said didn't get the others attention this definitely did. Leaving no chance for Alejandro to respond she tugged his arm and ragged him out of there.

"Sierra what's going on"?

Sierra didn't respond, she just kept dragging him. All his questions were answered when he saw Heather sobbing clutching her stomach.

He pulled her into a hug letting her cry into his chest. And that was the last thing Heather remembered from that day.

The last thing she remembered. Until everything started to fade away... 

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