Chapter 4

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Songs of Inspiration:

You Found Me - The Fray

How To Save A Life - The Fray

Wake Me Up - Ed Sheeran

Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra

Afire Love - Ed Sheeran

The whistle of the bright lime green kettle pot rings through the empty, Morgan-less apartment. I stare at the fixture for a few moments before turning off the stove, as the whistle dies down to a soft blow of air, and eventually a mute.

Just as I'm about to pour the hot water into my navy blue mug, I hear the sounds of some banging around coming from outside my front door. From my ears judgment, it sounds like someone is wrestling on the porch.

The curtains are closed, and I don't want to open them to bring attention to whoever or whatever is outside, so I grab the baseball bat that we...I keep by the coat rack next to the front door.

I take a few deep breaths, before swinging the door open and raising the bat up in the air.

"Bloody hell!" Louis shouts, as he lays across the porch with nothing but his jacket and a thin blanket over him; and of course his average attire.

"What the fuck are you doing out here? You nearly scared me to death! I thought you were a robber or some sort of animal!" I yell back, resting the baseball bat down.

"Well since you wouldn't answer the door a few days ago, and you ignored all my phone calls I decided to camp out here so I could force you to talk to me when you came out. But you haven't left your God damn apartment since then so I've been stuck out here," he explains.

"Have you eaten? Aren't you freezing? Louis come inside you big idiot," I shake my head, holding my hand out to help him up, but he doesn't take it.

"You're not mad? For what I did?" he asks, astonished.

"I'm pissed, but you're one of my best friends. I'm not gonna let you stay out here just because you fucked up," I tell him, and he smiles genuinely before taking my hand in his rather cold one, and heaving himself to stand up straight.

I lead him through my house and onto the couch where he crashes into. I quickly lay a blanket over him, the warmest one I have to heat him up.

"Are you hungry? Well of course you're hungry you've been outside like a maniac for days," I shake my head, annoyed immensely with this fool. I'm more angry though at the fact that he would follow through with an act so stupid, than how he brought a girl to the restaurant. Frankly, it passed my mind long ago, I haven't really thought about it. I just didn't want to talk to him the next morning, and assumed he just went back home. I didn't honestly think for a second he would stay on my porch until I came out.

"Actually, I had some bags of chips and some apples....and a few drinks in my car so I got to eat a few times," he tells me, but I continue to fix him up the leftovers I had from making myself dinner last night.

Once I hand him the plate of steak and rice, he begins shoveling his face with it right away.

"Care for some tea?" I ask him, since I was just about to have my own before I heard the banging outside from whatever movement he was making. I guess I'm pretty glad I heard it though, or that I didn't just ignore it.

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