Chapter 8

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Happy Valentine's Day!! Please read the note at the end of this chapter (:

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Songs of Inspiration:

Afire Love - Ed Sheeran

Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley (currently belting out this song cause its a fav)

Come Home - One Republic (now I'm singing this because I love One Republic SO FUCKFJDSALKIEO MUCHN OMFDJKFLAS)

Take Me To Church - Hozier

What Would You Do - Bastille ( I just wanna say quickly that this song will be in many chapters, as it fits a lot of the story. Please look it up if you haven't heard it! )

The chilled air wisps through my locks of curly chocolate colored hair, forcing me to press my hands further into the pockets of my forest green jacket. I should be used to this Boston weather by now since it's not much different from growing up in England, but I guess from living in Los Angeles and touring around the world I've grown used to warmer climates.

But then again, the weather difference isn't the only thing that has change drastically in my life.

Not only did my life take a massive turn when I joined the band, but I just seem to keep riding over bumps and twists in this roller coaster of life.

In a rather short period of time, I managed to meet, fall in love, and witness the death of a girl I will never go about a day without thinking of.

It kills me, physically eats me from the inside out with permanent scratches, tears and rips from my writhing heart that I never got the chance to even tell her.

That I was too cowardly to express my emotions to her, for whatever fucking reason that may be.

I let out a long, exasperated breath and lift up my head from staring at the sidewalk. A familiar sight of mine now, that I seem to view almost every day.

I always find myself walking these same streets that still seem so foreign. Padding across the gray cement that scuffs the bottom of my boots, by the many different store fronts and between the average people who usually don't pay much attention to me.

Luckily, in my stay of Boston I haven't encountered many mobs around me. The only times, I pracically asked for them through tweeting or posting on any social media really, accidentally slipping my location. Other times was basically just the airport.

A few photographs here and there, and I can't avoid paparazzi some how finding me without my notice but other than that it's been a calm city towards me. Something I appreciate greatly.

The chilled air clears my head for the most part, but at the same time brings new ones to my head for arguments to bicker back and forth through my deep mind that always seems to be spinning even when it's at it's most calmed.

Like usual the past few days, I find myself wandering towards the rougher ends of the city, which has grown to intrigue me just as much as the mysterious girl with jet black hair.

It amazes me how people live like this, on the streets with barely anything yet most of the time they are smiling.

As if they know their lives aren't the greatest, that they don't have much money or anything of their own for that matter, but they are grateful for the pure gift of life. Now that, is truly aspiring.

The streets down here aren't as crowded, as there are not many running stores that are very clean or safe appearing. Many are brick, run down, and abandoned. Therefore, no need for transportation unless simply crossing the area to get to somewhere else.

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