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Kuina wouldn't be Aya's company forever. She had stuff to do, and Aya didn't complain ; after all being the one to deal with all of the new people didn't sound easy, considering that new members joined the resort every day, replacing the dead ones.

Death. What an awful word. Yet, she had to watch lots of humans go through it in every single game. Aya wasn't selfish , and she would risk her life for someone she loved with any given chance , but she just couldn't save him. It was painful, watching one of the people you were close with die, but it wasn't her fault. If she knew about the trap, Aya would've saved her brother.

Back to the two friends, they had decided to meet up again later that night, at the local party. One of the most common events in The Beach apart from teaming up for games , were the parties. Daily parties, that lasted for hours. The perfect source of music, alcohol, and hooking up with strangers.

Aya was starring at her self in the mirror, trying to get used to her look for the night. Even if she felt pretty, she felt like something was off. She didn't exactly knew what; maybe the fact that she wasn't even dressed up like she would at a normal party, or the fact that she had to socialize after a long time. Yeah, Aya had to do that. Or most likely, was forced by Kuina to do so.

Speaking of Kuina, the girl was standing out of her dorm, knocking on the door till Aya decided to open it. Not much time later, the door widely opened and the petite figure of Aya appeared, striking a little pose for Kuina.

"I am sure that you'll turn lots of heads around tonight." Kuina coplimented the girl, making a wild blush spread over her cheeks. "Shall we;" she questioned, to which question she received a nod as an answer.

"Who are these people we're meeting tonight;" back at it with the questions again, Aya flicked her hair oute of her face.

Kuina smiled, as she took the turn that led to the starcaise. "It's basically just one guy."

"Wow,what a large amount of people." Aya joked, earning a playfull punch from Kuina on her shoulder. "At least i won't have to socialize that much." she remarked.

"Don't worry about that, he's not a fan of meeting people either."

When they reached the pools, Aya could easily understand that Kuina wasn't lying when she said that the place would be crowded . Boys, girls, even executive members were hanging out at every spot, drinking, jumping into the pool, and dancing. Kuina seemed to search in the crowd for a little , before she spotted her target ; as soon as she saw the hooded man waving at her, she dragged Aya over the bar.

"Chishiya, this is Aya. Aya,this is my good friend, Chishiya." Kuina introduced one to another, before taking a few steps further. "I am going to get us drinks."

"You're new, aren't you;" Chishiya asked, raising an eyebrow. His dark eyes made all the way around Aya's figure, trying to spot any little flaw of hers that would be useful to him. Chishiya was smart, and apart from that, he had a great memory. What a combination for the games.

Aya sighed and took a seat next to him, a refreshing smell coming to her as she did so. "I guess Kuina introduces all of her new friends to you." she blurted out.

"How surprised would you be if i told you that you're the first one;"

Aya shoot a little smile to the floor, before looking at thr mysterious man. "I wouldn't trust you."

Chishiya laughed for what seemed like the first time ever, tilting his head a little so he could take a better look at the girl. "You're clever. I like it." he commented, while he took of his hood to reveal his shoulder lenth, grey-ish hair.

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