F O U R.

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Aya was mad.

Mad at Chishiya, mad at her own self, mad at this stupid game, mad at everything. She didn't want to stay in her room that seemed more miserable than ever before, yet she also didn't want to spend another night drinking by the bar ; and that was what led to her escape in the roof. 

Her hands were rubbing her knees, trying to make herself slightly warmer, considering that the temperature dropped low every night. Aya's lips parted as she yawned heavily, and an eye rub followed, making it noticeable enough that she was tired. Who could blame her; She had a rough day.

As she was about to close her eyes,the steps heard behind her made her flinch. "You are alive." once she realized the voice belonged to Niragi, she released a sigh of relief.

"Indeed." Aya laughed, watching the man kneel next to her.

"It's pretty late." Niragi informed. "And as a militant, is my job to tell you to go to sleep." he continued, causing Aya to roll her eyes.

"No it's not. Why don't you go to sleep yourself;" 

Niragi placed himself in a more comfortable position, as he slowly let his riffle touch the floor. It was the first time Aya saw him do something like that, and as much as it seemed interesting to her, she didn't bother to mention it. "I don't like sleeping." he murmured. "Sleep is for the weak." 

"That's not an excuse."  she called him out, making Niragi raise an eyebrow.

"You talk back a lot today." Niragi replied, reaching for something in his pocket.

Soon enough, he had a pack of ciggarettes in his hand, and he didn't miss the opportunity to place one in between his lips. "You'll get used to it." Aya denied the ciggarette that Niragi offered,while she wrapped her arms around her body. The cold breeze wasn't helping her weird mental state either, but Niragi was with her, and the last thing she wanted was to be seen as weak.

"Would you get used to having your brains exploded;" the riffle once again met the skin of his bare hands, with the gun being pointed to Aya.

"You wouldn't do that." a smirk was drawn on Aya's face. This is a game for two, she thought.

Niragi licked his lips,revealing his pierced tongue. "Try me, princess."  his fingers rested smoothly against the trigger.

"Go ahead." Aya locked eyes with Niragi. "Shoot me." 

Even if her brain, using its sane side, told her not to push the situation any further, Aya wanted to see how far Niragi would go. There were chances that she would actually get killed, ending her days in The Beach very early, but maybe Niragi would re-think about it. Would he, though;

Niragi pressed the gun against her temple, making the woman gulp. "You know what; I won't. But when i'll do it, you won't expect it." he mouthed, grabbing the girl's chin with his free hand.  

The man pulled her face closer, using two of his fingers to rub the side of her face. "Not so fast." Aya escaped his grip, moments before she stood up. 

Niragi laughed, and threw his ciggarette away. "You'll beg me for it." he insisted.

"In your dreams."

Aya walked away, ready to finally make her way to her room. The staircase seemed easier to get through this time, and as the very last scale brought her to the second floor, she started to think about the following day. Thankfully, she had four more days of rest until she had to participate in a game again,something that she wasn't exactly excited about.

The brunette threw her shoes away as soon as she entered her room, and rushed to fill her bathtub with warm water. Aya stripped her clothes down, revealing her bare, bruised skin, and took a look in herself in the mirror.  Her ribs were full of dark, swolen bruises while a slightly deep cut had made her right shoulder bleed ; something that made her whine in pain when she touched the wound. 

After letting the warm water release he tension her body held, Aya stepped out of the shower and searched for something she could wear to sleep. As she pulled the oversized tee over her head, a knock on the door made her wonder ; who the hell would be awake that late;

"God, you're safe." Kuina sighed when she faced Aya unlocking the door. "I was so worried." 

"Ouch, ouch." Aya bit her lip while Kuina pulled her in a tight hug, that she couldn't deny. "Thanks for cheking up on me."  her lips curled into a little smile.

Kuina sat down on the huge bed, her feet nervously going up and down. "Why don't you let Ann check you wounds; Maybe she'll have something to ease the pain."

"It's not a big deal, really." Aya  tried to change the subject. "Did you play in any games today;" she asked, letting herself fall on the bed.

"Yeah, me and Chishiya had to compete in a Diamonds game."

"Of course." the girl let out an ironic giggle. "First, he misleads me, then he plays for his speciality." Aya growled. God, she was so mad at Chishiya.

Kuina turned her head to the side, glancing at her friend. "Listen, Aya. Chishiya can be very cruel, but that's because you're not familiar with him yet. He didn't mean to harm you." 

"He's a grown man, Kuina. You don't have to apologize for him." Aya gave Kuina a sympathetic smile. "Besides, even if he told me truth, the game wouldn't change at all. I just could've been better prepared." she admitted. 

And after all, that was true. Did it really matter that Chishiya lied to her; At the end of the day, Aya would end up in the same position, maybe with less injuries but still competing in a Spades game. Yet, she couldn't understand why he did it.

"Enough with the dramatic revision of our day. Let's do something fun!" the other woman jumped out of the bed. Kuina walked around the room, in search of something to cheer Aya up. Her eyes lightened once she noticed the small cabinet, that cointained several bottles of alcohol in it. Of course, Aya should've guess it. There is almost always alcohol in hotel rooms. 

She grinned, as she wached Kuina grab a bottle and two glassses. "You'll make me an alcoholic."

"Truth or drink." Kuina poured the same amount of liquid in each glass, before handind oe of them to Aya. "I'll start. Do you have eyes for anyone here at The Beach;"

Aya brought the glass to her lips, but before she drank, she put it down again. "I don't know. Maybe." she hesitated, not being quite sure about her feelings.

"Do i know him;'" Kuina asked another question, this time a smirk appearing on her face.

"I said i am not sure!" Aya laughed . "And it's my turn to ask a question, so shut up."

This how their night pretty much unfolded, with the two girls playing and laughing till the first morning hours. Eventually , they drifted off to sleep, with Aya having much more trouble than Kuina ; her mind was wandering again.

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