Eight |

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Jana'es POV ~

I wake up Saturday morning and I noticed that Josiah didn't come yesterday so , I call him . "Hello ?" "Josiah , hey" "Hey beautiful" "I was gonna take Markus to tha park today , do you wanna come?" "Sure , I'll meet you at James Sales ?" "Yes sir" "Okay , see you soon love" I hang up and I shower and get dressed . I than get Markus in tha bath and dressed . We're matching everything but tha pants . He has Levi's & he doesn't have tha lip gloss and phone case . But , he has everything else I got on .

I walk downstairs and I grab a bottle & formula . I grab tha diaper bag and put it in there along with warm water bottles , diapers , pacifiers , a change of clothing and chips . I put some toaster strudels on tha microwave and than tha toaster , I eat it and share it wit Markus . I look at tha time and it's 12 noon , o grab everything and walk out tha door .

I put him in his car seat and put tha diaper bag next to him . I get in after buckling him up , I drive out of tha driveway . I get there and I take Markus out . I walk through tha gate and I see Josiah playing with a baby . He sees me and he hugs me and daps up lil man . "Whose this ?" "Your not tha only one wit a baby , this is my daughter Kenya , from my ex" "She's beautiful" she looks at me. "Hey beautiful" she smiles and laughs . "How old is she" "Two"

We're playing with our kids and talking . "So , Jana'e .. I really like you" "I like you too" "Like , fr ?" "Yes" he leans in and kisses me for like 2 minutes . I'm smiling and I can feel his smile . "So, we're going on our first date soon" "Okay" we continue to play and we go our separate ways cos , it's nap time for Markus .

I get to Tha house and I change and feed Markus and than put him down in my bed for a nap .


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