Twenty - Seven |

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Jana'es POV ~
I wake up around noon tha next day & I get in tha shower & get dressed . I than get Markus in tha bath & I get him dressed .. Today , we're swimming with tha dolphins . Kaycee & Jaycee are kinda on edge bout it . I get them in tha spirit thou . We get in tha cab and they drive us to tha place and we got out tha car . My mom and step dad even are gon a swim with tha dolphins . I get out my clothes and into tha black one piece bathing suit I got from tha photoshoot . Tha instructor leads me in tha water with a life vest on and tha dolphins came up to me . I held onto this specific one , it's like we had an instant connection .

Malaki takes a picture of us and Than he gets in tha water . He covers my eyes and than when he tells me to open my eyes and look at tha dolphin , tha dolphin had a thing in its mouth and it says "Be My Wife . Yes or no ?" and I nearly cried . I said yes and he puts a ring on my finger and we kiss .. I have someone take a picture of us kissing next to tha dolphins proposal . I bring Markus in tha water and we continue swimming with tha dolphins . We have a picture taken of that . Than tha twins came in and than my parents . I have a picture of all of us in tha water . It's a great family thing to do .

After swimming with tha dolphins , we go get something to eat . Burger & fries is what I get . We eat & talk . I post tha picture of Malaki & I kissing next to tha proposal on instagram : "Tha way he proposed to me on our family vacation in front of my family . He's truly a blessing from above . I love you Malaki Maurice Johnson . @MMJ_" than I post tha picture of all us in tha water & post it on instagram : "Family vacation without my baby girl is a bummer . We having fun doe" we finish eating & than we went shopping . We go back to tha states tomorrow because we have to plan our wedding . So , we doing everything today . We have not been back to our hotel ever since this afternoon & we won't be back until probably midnight .

But , I have to remember I got Markus & shit . I've been talking to Marcus , Markus's father . We've both decided that , we needed to share custody . We HAVE to get along because we do share a child and he's not wit ole girl anymore but he has their daughter because she's in jail for 25 to life for trying to take their daughters life . So , after tha wedding and summer , basically when we get back to tha states , Marcus is coming down here to get Markus and bring him back to Washington state .

I have no problem with him living with his dad during tha school year and with me during summer . At least he sees both his parents a certain amount of times . I jus don't want his dad saying shit bad bout me in his ears cos , I never did that shit . When we get outside tha food place , I squat in front of Markus and talks to him . "How do you feel about seeing daddy during tha school year and live wit him ?" "Um , um . Can I ?" "Of course baby . Anything for you my love ." "Okay mommy ." "I love you baby ." "I love you too mommy ." he gives me a hug and a kiss on tha cheek . I take his approval for EVERYTHING . I asked him hoe he felt about Malaki when we first started dating . It's crazy cos , he loves Malaki VERY much . I don't blame him . Malaki is lovable .

I get a call and it's from Marcus . "Hello ?" "Wasup Jana'e ?" "Wasup Marcus ? What do you need ?" "Tha plan for lil Markus to come down here ." "Okay so .. After our wedding you can come get us and our wedding is in 2 months so .. Come and get in June so hw can spend some summer wit you." "Sounds good . Your getting married?" "Yeah . Jus got engaged not to long ago but . I gotta go Marcus , I'll talk to ya later ." "Yep." we hang up tha phone and I continue walking to tha cab .

We get in and they drive us to tha mall . When they drive us to tha mall we get out and we start shopping . After tha mall , we go to tha beach and we start swimming . I get on Jaycee's back while I'm in my bikini that I got from tha photoshoot .. And I have Malaki take a picture of us like that . He captures a picture of us laughing .. I post it on instagram : "Tha second man that has my heart . He is everything to me . My lil brother protects me , loves me and is ALWAYS there for me . I'm glad you moved in with me and you mean tha world to me .@J_C" I than go swimming in tha ocean .

By 8 pm we are having a camp fire out on tha beach . We're telling stories and singing songs . We go back to tha hotel by midnight and while Markus is asleep , we pack our bags cos , we leave at noon tomorrow and we need plenty of sleep . I pack Markus's stuff and I pack my stuff . I can't wait to see Aysjiana and it's a blessing to hold her in my arms again ! She's such a blessing from above . We go to sleep and I get into a deep sleep .

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